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Top 26 android-ndk open source projects

⚔️ 金轮法王,哦不,是轮子大师带你玩转Android,是时候尝试下MVVM了。这是一个Android应用开发全家桶库,支持Kotlin+MVVM+Dagger2+Retrofit架构。
A robust native library loader for Android.
Android Ndk Rs
Rust bindings to the Android NDK
Audio engine and DSP for Android, written in C++ providing low latency performance in a musical context, supporting both OpenSL and AAudio.
Ffmpeg Android
FFmpeg for Android compiled with x264, libass, fontconfig, freetype, fribidi and lame (Supports Android 4.1+)
Face Swap Android
Realtime Face Swap Android NDK app full source code. Developed with OpenCV ( and Dlib C++ (
Cocos2d X 3rd Party Libs Src
Dependencies of cocos2d-x.
A powerful crash reporting library for Android NDK. Don't forget to run git submodule update --init --recursive after checking out.
Android Ndk
[Deprecated] Installed android-ndk for speedy cloning into Travis CI worker VM.
Android Ndk
Туториалы и примеры использования Android ndk.
Lxc For Android 7.1.2
The repository contains the lxc and related tools/packages for Android 7.1.2, build scripts are provide for compiling lxc with Android standalone NDK.
Cross-platform C++ input library supporting gamepads, keyboard, mouse, touch
Vulkan API bindings for Go programming language
A tool for playing text based adventure games that communicate over Telnet. Features include simple alias replacement, triggers, timers, custom speedwalks, xterm256 color support, lua scripting, plugins and miniwindows.
flutter native opencv
Using OpenCV natively in C++ in a Flutter app with Dart FFI
Compile and embed Dlib in your Android projects with ease.
NDK library for exposing Peripheral I/O APIs in C/C++
Go bindings for Android NDK
An Android app that lets you search your contacts by voice. Internet not required. Based on Pocketsphinx. Uses Estonian acoustic models.
android tflite
GPU Accelerated TensorFlow Lite applications on Android NDK. Higher accuracy face detection, Age and gender estimation, Human pose estimation, Artistic style transfer
Enable you to use NDK's standalone toolchain easily, quickly and magically for cross-compile
Automated workflow to compile Swift Toolchain, for making Android apps with Swift.
1-26 of 26 android-ndk projects