React Liquidswipe🚀 Smooth Liquid Swipe Animation to transition between different components.
Flutter spinkit✨ A collection of loading indicators animated with flutter. Heavily Inspired by
FatWeb's fastest and most lightweight animation tool.
DonutDonut is a library for arranging views circularly like a donut.
GeckolibGeckoLib is an animation library for Minecraft Mods, with support for complex 3D keyframe and scriptable math-based animations. Available for Forge and Fabric (1.12, 1.15, 1.16). Supports entity, block, item, armor animations and more.
VivifyVivify is free CSS animation library.
Sunset.cssThis library offers a collection of different CSS-powered transitions.
Easy ScrollA lightweight native javascript library to perform smooth scrolling with animation
FloatingtoastAndroid library to create customizable floating animated toasts like in Clash Royale app
Easings A port of Robert Penner's easing equations to kotlin on Android to add flavors to your animations
RnalAnimations library for react-native
WaltAn animation library for LÖVE.
Tap water【声明:未发布前,勿使用,勿star,预计2020年11月底发布】Flutter tab_bar组件,支持中间带加号按钮的TabBar,支持Lottie动画。iTeaTime(技术清谈)团队出品。Highly customizable tabBar and tabBarController for Flutter
Lottie QmlQML Item for rendering Lottie Web animations in a QtQuick Canvas
FlagchatadapterFlagChatAdapter is easy to implement enchanting recycler view adapter. Just extend your adapter with FlagChatAdapter, impliment some methods and voila! You have got the most beautiful looking chat on your phone. Zero boilerplate code, just put your variables in the right direction.
AaviewanimatorAAViewAnimator is a set of animations designed for UIView, UIButton, UIImageView with options in iOS, written in Swift.
KatsudoKatsudö is an animation library for LÖVE
Cyltabbarcontroller[EN]It is an iOS UI module library for adding animation to iOS tabbar items and icons with Lottie, and adding a bigger center UITabBar Item. [CN]【中国特色 TabBar】一行代码实现 Lottie 动画TabBar,支持中间带+号的TabBar样式,自带红点角标,支持动态刷新。【iOS13 & Dark Mode & iPhone XS MAX supported】
ParadeParallax Scroll-Jacking Effects Engine for iOS / tvOS
FpsanimatorFPSAnimator is very easy animation library for Android TextureView and SurfaceView.
FastThe adaptive interface system for modern web experiences.
Materialdialog Android📱Android Library to implement animated, 😍beautiful, 🎨stylish Material Dialog in android apps easily.
FlightanimatorAdvanced Natural Motion Animations, Simple Blocks Based Syntax
AnimSwift animation library for iOS, tvOS and macOS.
RxanimationSimple way to animate your views on Android with Rx 🚀
TuesdayA quirky CSS Animation Library by Shakr
TheglowingloaderTheGlowingLoader is the highly configurable library to indicate progress and is natively created for Android Platform. It is an implementation of a design composed by Shashank Sahay.
WickedcssA library for CSS3 animations. The animations are more vibrant than most simple animations.
GeminiGemini is rich scroll based animation framework for iOS, written in Swift.
SequentA simple continuous animation library for Android UI.
React Spring✌️ A spring physics based React animation library
animXAn animation library for Love2D with unique features
vue3-springA spring-physics based animation library, and more
react-awesome-loaders🚀 High quality, super responsive and completely customisable Loading Animations to insert into your website with single line of code.
animolA minimal, super lightweight (3KB minimized and gzipped), zero dependency, JavaScript animation library.
scrollxpAlpine.js-esque library for scrolling animations on websites
smoothrA custom React router that leverages the Web Animations API and CSS animations.
web-animation-clubCSS controlled animations with transitionEnd, onTransitionEnd, animationend, onAnimationEnd events and frame throwing. Tiny javascript library with cross-browser methods to handle css animation/transition callbacks and event loop frame throwing. 📚🖥️📱
Kotlin-Animation-DSLsimplify Android animation code by redefining API, use just one third of code to create animation compare to origin Android API