Top 304 apollo open source projects

Genome annotation editor with a Java Server backend and a Javascript client that runs in a web browser as a JBrowse plugin.
Angular Fullstack Graphql
🚀 Starter projects for fullstack applications based on Angular & GraphQL.
Next Starter
Next.js Starter using GraphQL, MobX (Next.js, TypeScript, Babel, Express.js, Apollo Client, React Apollo, React Apollo Hooks, GraphQL Codegen, MobX, mobx-state-tree, styled-components, next-optimized-images, Serverless Framework, AWS Lambda, Dotenv)
Quell is an easy-to-use, lightweight JavaScript library providing a client- and server-side caching solution for GraphQL. Use Quell to prevent redundant client-side API requests and to minimize costly server-side response latency.
A whirlwind tour of React state management systems by example
Gatsby Starter Procyon
An opinionated Gatsby starter designed for trash-eating pandas.
Meteor & Apollo integration
Graphql Transform Schema
Transform, filter & alias resolvers of a GraphQL schema
Apollo Scalajs
Use Apollo GraphQL from Scala.js apps!
Apollo Prophecy
🔮 GraphQL error management made Easy, generate custom machine-readable errors for Apollo Client/Server from the CLI
Compare React State Management
React createContext vs Apollo vs MobX vs Redux in a simple todo app.
Polymer Apollo
🚀 Polymer Apollo Integration
Apollo Tote
👜 A declarative approach to handling Apollo GraphQL queries in React
Nextjs Strapi Boilerplate
🎨 Boilerplate for building applications using Strapi and Next.js
React Hipstaplate
A ReactJS full-stack boilerplate based on typescript with ssr, custom apollo-server and huge stack of modern utilities which will help you to start your own project
Apollo Upload Client
A terminating Apollo Link for Apollo Client that allows FileList, File, Blob or ReactNativeFile instances within query or mutation variables and sends GraphQL multipart requests.
Apollo Mocked Provider
Automatically mock GraphQL data with a mocked ApolloProvider
Apollo Server Vercel
⚫ Production-ready Node.js GraphQL server for Vercel Serverless Functions
Cynthesize Frontend
Frontend written in Angular 7 and deployed GraphQL for Cynthesize. Development build:
Spring Boot Extend
Apollo Link Sentry
Apollo Link middleware which enriches SentryJS with GraphQL data
Guide To Graphql
A Frontend Developer's Guide to GraphQL (Fluent Conf 2018)
Next React Graphql Apollo boostrap
React + GraphQL + Next.js project architecture that I play with right now
Blaze Apollo
Blaze integration for the Apollo Client
Subscriptions Transport Sse
A Server-Side-Events (SSE) client + server for GraphQL subscriptions
Apollo Cache Persist
🎏 Simple persistence for all Apollo Cache implementations
A Pop
🎶 HD Music Streaming and Sharing Web App
Apollo Invalidation Policies
An extension of the Apollo 3 cache with support for type-based invalidation policies.
Laravel and VueJs Blog, using Laravel nova, GraphQL, NuxtJs, Apollo and ...more
Graphql Upload
Middleware and an Upload scalar to add support for GraphQL multipart requests (file uploads via queries and mutations) to various Node.js GraphQL servers.
Graphql Modules
⚠️ [DEPRECATED] GraphQL module library for Apollo.
Graphql Advanced Projection
Fully customizable Mongoose/MongoDB projection generator.
Graphql Apq
🎯 Automatic persisted queries (APQ) for any GraphQL server.
React Boilerplate
⚛ The stable base upon which we build our React projects at Mirego.
Future Web
Starter kit to create PWA with cutting edge technologies
Link state demo
🚀 Demonstrate how to support multiple stores in Apollo Link State
Graphql Serverless
Sample project to guide the use of GraphQL and Serverless Architecture.
Graphql Config
One configuration for all your GraphQL tools (supported by most tools, editors & IDEs)
React Apollo Defragment
💿 Automatic query defragmentation based on React trees.
React Apollo
♻️ React integration for Apollo Client
Graphql React Apollo
A GraphQL implementation in React using Apollo.
☀️ Nepxion Discovery is a solution for Spring Cloud with blue green, gray, weight, limitation, circuit breaker, degrade, isolation, tracing, dye, failover 蓝绿、灰度、权重、限流、熔断、降级、隔离、追踪、流量染色、故障转移的指南
React Apollo Koa Example
An example app using React, Apollo and Koa
Apollo 13 in real-time. Flight director's loop, transcript, information, and more.
Ionic Apollo Simple App
Explains how to develop Ionic application with Apollo GraphQL client
61-120 of 304 apollo projects