GrizzlyA cross-platform browser fuzzing framework
RestitoRestito - mocking framework for testing rest clients
Automagicweb automated test platform with Python Django
Burp Molly ScannerTurn your Burp suite into headless active web application vulnerability scanner
NightwatchEnd-to-end testing framework written in Node.js and using the Webdriver API
Auto.jsA UiAutomator on android, does not need root access(安卓平台上的JavaScript自动化工具)
SillyniumAutomate the creation of Python Selenium Scripts by drawing coloured boxes on webpage elements
ReportportalMain Repository. Report Portal starts here - see readme below.
PocoA cross-engine test automation framework based on UI inspection
SpixUI test automation library for QtQuick/QML Apps
ScrutinyRandomly test state machines (such as your UI) by randomly navigating through transitions
AirtestUI Automation Framework for Games and Apps
KarateTest Automation Made Simple
PsharpA framework for rapid development of reliable asynchronous software.
AtataC#/.NET test automation framework for web
Muter🔎 Automated mutation testing for Swift 🕳️
Pa11y CiPa11y CI is a CI-centric accessibility test runner, built using Pa11y
Pa11yPa11y is your automated accessibility testing pal
corde🤖 A simple e2e library for testing Discord Bots 🚀
teasyTest easy with Teasy - UI automation testing framework
protonmail-cli✉️ Command line utility for -- unofficial
Reconky-Automated Bash ScriptReconky is an great Content Discovery bash script for bug bounty hunters which automate lot of task and organized in the well mannered form which help them to look forward.
three-musketeersA simple module to introspect, debug and test any THREE.js application.
api-test🌿 A simple bash script to test JSON API from terminal in a structured and organized way.
screenpyScreenplay pattern base for Python automated UI test suites.
jdi-lightPowerful Framework for UI Automation Testing on Java
auto-voScreen reader automation tools by AccessLint, including VoiceOver.js and Auto-VO
karateTest Automation Made Simple
robotframework-zoombaExtended Robot Framework libraries to make testing GUI, REST/SOAP API, Mobile, and Windows Desktop easier.
methods2testmethods2test is a supervised dataset consisting of Test Cases and their corresponding Focal Methods from a set of Java software repositories
crawlzoneCrawlzone is a fast asynchronous internet crawling framework for PHP.
xharnessC# command line tool for running tests on Android / iOS / tvOS devices and simulators
jdi-darkPowerful Framework for Backend Automation Testing on Java (Rest, Soap, WebSocket)
py-monSimple package to automatically restart application when file changes are detected!