Top 1898 awesome open source projects

Awesome He
✨ Awesome - A curated list of amazing Homomorphic Encryption libraries, software and resources
Easy to use UITableViewCell implementing swiping to trigger actions.
Awesome Godot
A curated list of free/libre plugins, scripts and add-ons for Godot
Awesome Computational Neuroscience
A list of schools and researchers in computational neuroscience
Awesome Flame
An awesome list that curates the best Flame games, projects, libraries, tools, tutorials, articles and more.
Awesome Web Storage
😎 Everything you need to know about Client-side Storage.
Awesome Dotnet Core
🐝 A collection of awesome .NET core libraries, tools, frameworks and software
Awesome Typescript Korean
😎한국어로만 선별된 타입스크립트 리소스 리스트 🇰🇷
Vehicle reid Collection
🚗 the collection of vehicle re-ID papers, datasets. 🚗
Awesome Android Tips
some code tips for android 💯
Awesome Stacks
A curated list of tech stacks for building different applications & features
Awesome Design Systems
A curated list of bookmarks, resources and articles about design systems focused on developers.
My Awesome Ai Bookmarks
Curated list of my reads, implementations and core concepts of Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Machine Learning by best folk in the world.
Extend python lists with .NET's LINQ syntax for clean and fast coding. Also known as PINQ.
Awesome Go Perf
A curated list of Awesome Go performance libraries and tools
Awesome TextField is a nice and simple libriary for iOS and Mac OSX. It's highly customisable and easy-to-use tool. Works perfectly for any registration or login forms in your app.
Awesome Taleb
A curated list of awesome things about Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Develop Source
Open source for developer.(开发资源整理:Java,Android,算法,iOS,MacOS等等)
Awesome Php Ffi
PHP FFI examples and use cases
✭ 217
Xd Awesome
Awesome community-created resources for extending Adobe XD
Awesome Jetpack Compose Android Apps
👓 A curated list of awesome Jetpack Compose android apps by open-source contributors.
Awesome Jax
JAX - A curated list of resources
Awesome Bitrix
Потрясающий Битрикс - полезные статьи о настройке и разработке 1C-Bitrix и Bitrix 24, а также компоненты и модули, php и javascript библиотеки
Awesome React Native Web
💙 React Native Web patterns, techniques, tips, and tricks ✨
This hacktoberfest project exists to help you submit your first Pull Request and welcome you to the world of open source!
Awesome C
Continuing the development of awesome-c list on GitHub
Awesome Eslint
A list of awesome ESLint plugins, configs, etc.
Awesome Esp
📶 A curated list of awesome ESP8266/32 projects and code
Awesome Nlg
A curated list of resources dedicated to Natural Language Generation (NLG)
Best Of Jupyter
🏆 A ranked list of awesome Jupyter Notebook, Hub and Lab projects (extensions, kernels, tools). Updated weekly.
Awesome Macos Screensavers
🍎 🖥 🎆 A curated list of screensavers for Mac OS X
Awesome Portugal Data
🇵🇹 Lista de repositórios de dados abertos em Portugal
A curation of prompts, plugins & other resources for Fish. 🐚
Awesome Console Services
A curated list of awesome console services (reachable via HTTP, HTTPS and other network protocols)
Awesome Moleculer
🚀 A list of awesome things related to Moleculer microservices framework
Awesome Scriptable
A curated list of awesome Scriptable scripts and widgets.
Awesome Mutation Testing
Mutation testing resources: how to make better code by introducing bugs
Awesome Data Annotation
A list of tools for annotating data, managing annotations, etc.
Awesome Pentest
A collection of awesome penetration testing resources, tools and other shiny things
Machine Learning、Deep Learning、PostgreSQL、Distributed System、Node.Js、Golang
An open list of awesome Level modules and resources.
Awesome Crispr
List of software/websites/databases/other stuff for genome engineering
Awesome Svelte
⚡ A curated list of awesome Svelte resources
A leaderboard of the top open-source e-commerce platforms. Promoting the bests for building reliable stores.
Awesome Youtubers
▶️ An awesome list of awesome YouTubers that teach about technology. Tutorials about web development, computer science, machine learning, game development, cybersecurity, and more.
61-120 of 1898 awesome projects