Top 2203 aws open source projects

Object mapper for Amazon's DynamoDB
The simplest, most powerful way to build serverless applications
PHP queue worker and consumer - Ready for AWS SQS, Redis, Beanstalkd and others.
Aws Amplify Workshop React Native
Building Cloud-enabled Mobile Applications with React Native & AWS Amplify
Covid 19 Api
This is the code running in AWS Lambda powering The API provides realtime and historical data on Coronavirus COVID-19 confirmed cases, deaths, and recovered cases. This API has now been called over 3 million times, thank you!
Alexa Voice Service.js
Library for interacting with Alexa Voice Service (AVS) in the browser.
Iopipe Js Core
Observe and develop serverless apps with confidence on AWS Lambda with Tracing, Metrics, Profiling, Monitoring, and more.
Vs Deploy
Visual Studio Code extension that provides commands to deploy files of a workspace to a destination.
The modern serverless web application engine and framework for Swift
Process credential providers for AWS SDKs and Tools
Deep Learning Models
Natural language processing & computer vision models optimized for AWS
HTTP response caching for Koa. Supports Redis, in-memory store, and more!
Aws Lambda R Runtime
Serverless execution of R code on AWS Lambda
Amazon Sagemaker Operator For K8s
Amazon SageMaker operator for Kubernetes
Full Stack Serverless Cdk
Learn to Build Full-Stack Serverless Apps and APIs using AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) in Baby Steps.
Terraform Aws Key Pair
Terraform Module to Automatically Generate SSH Key Pairs (Public/Private Keys)
Aws Appsync Rds Aurora Sample
An AWS AppSync Serverless resolver for the Amazon Aurora relational database.
Cloud Security Remediation Guides
Security Remediation Guides
Deploy Strapi On Aws
Deploying a Strapi API on AWS (EC2 & RDS & S3)
SlideHub is an Open Source Slide Sharing Application for Azure / AWS
Awsaml is an application for providing automatically rotated temporary AWS credentials.
Node Acme Lambda
Use AWS Lambda to manage SSL certificates for ACME providers like Let's Encrypt.
A pythonic interface to Amazon's DynamoDB
⚡️ Instantly deploy static website on serverless infrastructure with zero configuration using Serverless Components.
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Aws Api Gateway Client
A client module of AWS API gateway both for Node.js and browsers
Aws Lambda Blog
AWS Lambda serverless blogging platform
Auto Remediate
Cloud Conformity Auto Remediate
Serverless Layers
Serverless.js plugin that implements AWS Lambda Layers which reduces drastically lambda size, warm-up and deployment time.
Enhanced account switching for AWS, supports Yubikey as MFA source
Collection of public scRNA-Seq datasets used by our group
Startup Aws Iam Roles
A list of typical positions in a startup and their policies for IAM AWS.
Terraform Aws Kubernetes
Install a Kubernetes cluster the CoreOS Tectonic Way: HA, self-hosted, RBAC, etcd Operator, and more
VM based deployment for prototyping Big Data tools on Amazon Web Services
基于Spring Boot 2.0的前后端分离的快速开发平台,此仓库是后台部分; 前台:Vue+Element 后台:Spring Boot 2.0/Spring Security/JWT/Spring Data JPA+Mybatis-Plus/Redis/分布式限流/同步锁/验证码/动态权限管理 数据权限 工作流 代码生成 日志记录 第三方社交账号、短信登录
Run interactive shell commands on AWS Lambda
Various AWS Automation Scripts
Stepfunctions Local
Execute AWS Step Functions locally
Amazon Guardduty Hands On
This repo can be used to quickly get hands on experience with Amazon GuardDuty by guiding you through enabling the detector, generating a variety of findings, and remediating those findings with Lambda functions.
A project to collate IAM actions, AWS APIs and managed policies from various public sources.
Amazon S3 Find And Forget
Amazon S3 Find and Forget is a solution to handle data erasure requests from data lakes stored on Amazon S3, for example, pursuant to the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Ecs Formation
Tool to build Docker cluster composition for Amazon EC2 Container Service(ECS)
Microservice Monitoring
Monitor your Spring Boot application with the Elastic Stack all around
Dynamodb Json
DynamoDB json util to load and dump strings of Dynamodb json format to python object and vise-versa
Lambda Toolkit
*DO NOT USE* - This project was done during my initial python and lambda's studies. I would recommend you the `serverless framework`.
Serverless Docker Image Resize
Simple serverless image resize on-the-fly - Deploy with one command - Built with AWS Lambda and S3
Awesome Layers
λ A curated list of awesome AWS Lambda Layers. Sponsored by
A Node.js Simple Query Builder and ORM for AWS DynamoDB
➿ 💡 My Udacity projects that I have made to improve my skills and complete my nanodegree. Please don't use it to copy the projects. Submit the PR if you want something to be added to this repository.
Terraform cashier
Designed to analyze terraform template files and return a cost estimate of running the infrastructure, assuming AWS is the target cloud. Perhaps other clouds can be supported going forward?
Terraform Provider Zerotier
Create, modify and destroy ZeroTier networks and members through Terraform.