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Top 591 babel open source projects

Node.js module generator/boilerplate with Babel, Jest, Flow, Documentation and more
Webpack React Boilerplate
Minimal React 16 and Webpack 4 boilerplate with babel 7, using the new webpack-dev-server, react-hot-loader, CSS-Modules
Express Starter
🚚 A boilerplate for Node.js, Express, Mongoose, Heroku, Atlas, Nodemon, PM2, and Babel. REST / GraphQL API Server | PaaS | SaaS | CI/CD | Jest | Supertest | Docker | MongoDB | PostgreSQL | Sequelize | Lodash | RxJS | JWT | Passport | WebSocket | Redis | CircleCI | Apollo | DevSecOps | Microservices | Backend Starter Kit | ES6
Js Library Boilerplate Basic
Javascript Minimal Starter Boilerplate - Webpack 5 🚀, Babel 7, UMD, Unit Testing
Server Side Rendering
Interactive guide to server-side rendering with Webpack, React, React Transmit, CSS modules and more
Woo Next
🚀 React WooCommerce theme, built with Next JS, Webpack, Babel, Node, Express, using GraphQL and Apollo Client
Babel Time Travel
Time travel through babel transformations one by one (implemented in the Babel REPL now)
Next Shopify Storefront
🛍 A real-world Shopping Cart built with TypeScript, NextJS, React, Redux, Apollo Client, Shopify Storefront GraphQL API, ... and Material UI.
codemod rewrites JavaScript and TypeScript using babel plugins.
Babel Plugin Css Modules Transform
Extract css class names from required css module files, so we can render it on server.
Wp Webpack Script
💥🔥📦👩‍💻 An easy to use, pre configured, hackable webpack setup & development server for WordPress themes and plugins.
💠 transform html with javascript plugins
Support is a manually curated list of packages related to React, Webpack, Babel and PostCSS
Seek Style Guide
Living style guide for SEEK, powered by React, webpack, CSS Modules and Less.
Web Configs
Common configurations for building web apps at Shopify
Eslint Config Auto
Automatically configure ESLint based on project dependencies
React Bolt
⚡ The most simple & robust boilerplate for your React projects.
Generator Webappstarter
Quick start a web app for mobile.Automatically adjusts according to a device’s screen size without any extra work.
Simple JavaScript interpreter for Python
React Pwa Guide App
React.js for Progressive Web Apps that say Hello! World
React Redux Sass Starter
Everything you need to get started with a basic React application
Front-end tech thoughts and share-ppt
JavaScript embedded effects compiler
Webpack Blocks
📦 Configure webpack using functional feature blocks.
Ssr Sample
A minimum sample of Server-Side-Rendering, Single-Page-Application and Progressive Web App
Babel Eslint
🗼 A wrapper for Babel's parser used for ESLint (renamed to @babel/eslint-parser)
Babel Plugin Module Resolver
Custom module resolver plugin for Babel
Vortex React
🐠 A react starter kit. Redux or mobx, react-router-dom, webpack3, all is in.
Babel Plugin Console
Babel Plugin that adds useful build time console functions 🎮
Rollup Plugin Ts
A Typescript Rollup plugin that bundles declarations and respects Browserslists
React Native Navigation Redux Starter Kit
React Native Navigation(v2) Starter Kit with Redux, Saga, ESLint, Babel, Jest and Facebook SDK 😎
Threejs Webpack Es6 Boilerplate
A basic boilerplate for a Three.js project compiled with Webpack and transpiled via Babel to enable using ES6 syntax.
Babel Blade
(under new management!) ⛸️Solve the Double Declaration problem with inline GraphQL. Babel plugin/macro that works with any GraphQL client!
Voltran is a micro frontend framework which is developed by Hepsiburada Technology Team.
🐇 Application boilerplate based on Vue.js 2.x, Koa 2.x, Element-UI and Nuxt.js
基于 React 开发的 Online Judge 系统
Reactjs setup with babel, webpack with basic loaders, ant design, react-router and optimized for production using code splitting and lazy loading.
A Metalsmith plugin to compile JavaScript with Babel
Highly Scalable Awesome React Starter Kit for an enterprise application with a very easy maintainable codebase. 🔥
Recursively collect all the internal and external dependencies from an entry point
An ESLint config with automatic overrides for common environments such as TypeScript, Jest etc.
Sets up a mithril.js project with webpack
Powerful, super tiny and easy to use lib to reorder your javascript arrays.
Node.js / GraphQL project template pre-configured with TypeScript, PostgreSQL, login flow, transactional emails, unit tests, CI/CD workflow.
301-360 of 591 babel projects