Top 32 beam-search open source projects

Nlp made easy
Explains nlp building blocks in a simple manner.
Text Summarizer Pytorch
Pytorch implementation of "A Deep Reinforced Model for Abstractive Summarization" paper and pointer generator network
基于Pytorch的中文聊天机器人 集成BeamSearch算法
Neural conversation models
Tensorflow based Neural Conversation Models
Seq2seq chatbot new
基于seq2seq模型的简单对话系统的tf实现,具有embedding、attention、beam_search等功能,数据集是Cornell Movie Dialogs
A fast LSTM Language Model for large vocabulary language like Japanese and Chinese
Fast Ctc Decode
Blitzing Fast CTC Beam Search Decoder
Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC) decoding algorithms: best path, prefix search, beam search and token passing. Implemented in Python.
A chatbot implemented in TensorFlow based on the seq2seq model, with certain rules integrated.
LightSeq: A High Performance Inference Library for Sequence Processing and Generation
PyTorch CTC Decoder bindings
Tf chatbot seq2seq antilm
Seq2seq chatbot with attention and anti-language model to suppress generic response, option for further improve by deep reinforcement learning.
Image to LaTeX (Seq2seq + Attention with Beam Search) - Tensorflow
Seq2seq chatbot
基于seq2seq模型的简单对话系统的tf实现,具有embedding、attention、beam_search等功能,数据集是Cornell Movie Dialogs
Tensorflow end2end speech recognition
End-to-End speech recognition implementation base on TensorFlow (CTC, Attention, and MTL training)
Image Captioning
Image Captioning using InceptionV3 and beam search
captioning chainer
A fast implementation of Neural Image Caption by Chainer
Solving and GUI demonstration of traditional N-Queens Problem using Hill Climbing, Simulated Annealing, Local Beam Search, and Genetic Algorithm.
a Deep learning based chatbot implemented by Tensorflow with beam search (forked from Conchylicultor/DeepQA)
TS3000 TheChatBOT
Its a social networking chat-bot trained on Reddit dataset . It supports open bounded queries developed on the concept of Neural Machine Translation. Beware of its being sarcastic just like its creator 😝 BDW it uses Pytorch framework and Python3.
beam search
Beam search for neural network sequence to sequence (encoder-decoder) models.
1-32 of 32 beam-search projects