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Top 12 canny-edge-detection open source projects

Edge Connect
EdgeConnect: Structure Guided Image Inpainting using Edge Prediction, ICCV 2019
FPGA implementation of Canny edge detection by using Vivado HLS
Image processing edge detection algorithms in Python.
Android application which uses feature extraction algorithms and machine learning (SVM) to recognise and translate static sign language gestures.
Project of computational mathematics, image processing, eliminating the noise of an image, reflection of an image and canny filter
Python Computer Vision from Scratch
This repository explores the variety of techniques commonly used to analyze and interpret images. It also describes challenging real-world applications where vision is being successfully used, both for specialized applications such as medical imaging, and for fun, consumer-level tasks such as image editing and stitching, which students can apply…
🔲 ✨ Awesome real time edge detector build with OpenCV library for android
1-12 of 12 canny-edge-detection projects