WindowsDevelopment repository for Chef Cookbook windows
PackerPacker helpers and templates for Docker, IIS, SQL Server and Visual Studio on Windows and Ubuntu
NodejsDevelopment repository for the nodejs cookbook
Oh My VpnSetup your own OpenVPN server in 30 seconds!
Chef BcpcBloomberg Clustered Private Cloud distribution
AptDevelopment repository for the apt cookbook
ConsulDevelopment repository for the consul cookbook
Chef ClientDevelopment repository for Chef Client cookbook
Libchef🍀 c++ standalone header-only basic library. || c++头文件实现无第三方依赖基础库
Kitchen DokkenTest Kitchen driver/provisioner for lightning faster Chef Infra cookbook testing with Docker
Knife ZeroRun chef-client/cinc-client at remote node with chef-zero(local-mode) via HTTP over SSH port fowarding.
GraphiteDevelopment repository for the graphite cookbook
Pytest TestinfraWith Testinfra you can write unit tests in Python to test actual state of
your servers configured by management tools like Salt, Ansible, Puppet,
Chef and so on.
Chef Ssh HardeningThis chef cookbook provides secure ssh-client and ssh-server configurations.
HaproxyDevelopment repository for the haproxy cookbook
UsersDevelopment repository for the users cookbook
HomebrewDevelopment repository for the homebrew cookbook
NagiosDevelopment repository for the nagios cookbook
Ruby buildDevelopment repository for the ruby_build cookbook
LogrotateDevelopment repository for the logrotate cookbook
ServerfarmerManage multiple servers with different operating systems, configurations, requirements etc. for many separate customers in an outsourcing model.
PerconaDevelopment repository for the percona cookbook
GitDevelopment repository for the git cookbook
SudoDevelopment repository for sudo cookbook
It Cpe CookbooksA suite of Chef cookbooks that we use to manage our fleet of client devices
OpensshDevelopment repository for the openssh cookbook
PowershellDevelopment repository for the powershell cookbook
ArkDevelopment repository for Chef Cookbook ark
OpenvpnDevelopment repository for the openvpn cookbook
RunitDevelopment repository for the Chef Runit Cookbook
Chef AcmeChef cookbook to request SSL certificates at Let's Encrypt
IptablesDevelopment repository for Chef Cookbook iptables
YumDevelopment repository for yum cookbook
CookstyleA linting tool that helps you to write better Chef Infra cookbooks by detecting and automatically correcting style, syntax, and logic mistakes in your code.
Chef WorkstationChef Workstation gives you everything you need to get started with Chef, so you can automate how you audit, configure, and manage applications end environments.
SublimechefA Sublime Text 2 Package for authoring Chef related files
DockerDevelopment repository for the docker cookbook
Chef Windows HardeningThis chef cookbook provides windows hardening configurations for the DevSec Windows baseline profile.
IisDevelopment repository for the iis cookbook
Mac os xThis cookbook has been deprecated
ErlangDevelopment repository for the erlang cookbook
EtcdDevelopment repository for the etcd cookbook
Chef SplunkDevelopment repository for the chef-splunk cookbook