Top 462 ci open source projects

Alpine Chroot Install
Install Alpine Linux in chroot with a breeze. Build ARM on Travis CI or any other x86_64 CI.
Gitlab Ci Local
Tired of pushing to test your .gitlab-ci.yml?
Gradle Nexus Staging Plugin
Automatize releasing Gradle projects to Maven Central.
Github Build
Github builds for CI
A fork of the Drone CI system version 0.8, right before the 1.0 release and license changes
Generate custom HTTP responses, the simpler way to test your Web Services
Send local git changes to Travis CI without commits or pushes.
A Github action for kubectl, the Kubernetes CLI
Showcase of how to manage building projects inside monorepo with Gradle as build tool and CircleCI, Bitbucket Pipelines, Travis CI or GitHub Actions as CI tool.
Action Automatic Releases
READONLY: Auto-generated mirror for
Scan Kubernetes resource files , and helm charts for security configurations issues and best practices.
Docker image with Docker Compose. Useful as a base image for integration tests in Concourse CI.
Setup Scala
GitHub Action to install any version of Java (GraalVM, Java 8, Java 11, Java 14, ...) via Jabba. Works for any JVM language including Java, Scala and Kotlin.
Optimally distribute and run RSpec suites among parallel workers; for faster CI builds
Idea Cli Inspector
A little command-line tool to integrate the awesome IntelliJ IDEA code inspections in your continuous integration (CI) process using Jenkins, Bamboo, et. al.
Golang Action
A GitHub Action to run Go commands
Ci Matters
Integration (comparison) of different continuous integration services on Android project
Git Webhook Ci
A Git (github/gitee) webhook callback server to do stuff e.g. fetch new code (poor man CI)
MirrorGate DevOps Dashboard
Action Android
Collection of Android-related GitHub Actions
The Kubernetes Continuous Integration & Delivery Platform (CI/CD) 🔄
Fast and configurable filesystem (file and directory names) linter
Lxc Ci
LXC continuous integration and build scripts
Go Gitlab Client
A Go gitlab API client & powerful CLI written in Go
Gitlab Dashboard
📺 TV dashboard for a global view on Gitlab Pipelines
Terraform Multienv
A template for maintaining a multiple environments infrastructure with Terraform. This template includes a CI/CD process, that applies the infrastructure in an AWS account.
AWS-powered serverless build, test and deploy pipeline ft. multiple environments
Flexible, open source continuous integration server written in node.js
Has Changed Path
GitHub Action that saves time and money in monorepo environments
Android Ci
A docker image for building Android apps. Supports multiple SDK Build Tools.
🔌 Continuous integration with the simplest solution
YML templates
🌧️ A live example to illustrate python packaging, testing, building, & deploying
Dart Code Metrics
Software analytics tool that helps developers analyse and improve software quality.
Github Codebuild Integration
Run and Integrate AWS CodeBuild with GitHub Push/Pull-Request webhook events.
Lint Diff
💅 Run eslint only in the changed parts of the code
Xcode Ci
CI iOS/MacOS app via command-line
Freebsd Ci
FreeBSD Continuous Integration (CI)
Leeroy is a self hosted, continuous integration and build service
Run Lighthouse tests in Pull Requests for multiple URLs with custom budgets
Docker Builder
Docker builder builds Docker images from a friendly config file.
Open source platform for code review automation ✅
Php Backslasher
[Git hook] Tool to add all PHP internal functions and constants to its namespace by adding backslash to them.
Go on Hardware CI: 100% free open source CI to run on RPis, macOS and Windows
Gitlab Ci Dashboard
📊 Dashboard for monitoring GitLab CI builds and pipelines for TV
Documentation for Codeship CI & CD service
Setup Msys2
GitHub Action to setup MSYS2 (MSYS, MINGW64 and/or MINGW32)
Teamcity Dotnet Plugin
TeamCity plugin for .NET Core projects
Git Release
Publish a GitHub Release 📦 with Assets 📁 and Changelog 📄
Keeps things up-to-date (a CI/CD pipeline OCaml eDSL)
✭ 76
Jest Action
Wraps and install Jest test runner in a github action.
61-120 of 462 ci projects