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Top 12 cloudformation-template open source projects

A PowerShell module for building, packaging and deploying AWS CloudFormation templates
⚠️ IMPORTANT ⚠️ This repository is no longer actively maintained and will be archived at the end of 2022. A basic live chat implementation built with WebSockets, that can be used in conjunction with Amazon IVS to build compelling customer experiences for live video streams with chat use cases.
A Lambda-backed Custom Resource for a Cognito Identity Pool in CloudFormation
Templates and assets used to launch and manage many aspects of PRX's applications and services
CloudFormation resources for scheduling On-Demand Buildkite Agents with AWS ECS and AWS Fargate
This solution allows you to use a AWS CloudFormation template to create AWS CodePipeline, and AWS CodeBuild supporting Serverless Framework and GitHub
One-click Dokku instance on AWS.
1-12 of 12 cloudformation-template projects