Diffy🎞️💓🍿 Love streaming - It's always best to watch a movie together ! 🤗
invmovieconcept1True Cross platform UI design featuring complex scroll based animations powered by flutter
PerkyPerky a beautiful animated app concept built with lots of love in React Native.
PlaneverbProject Planeverb is a CPU based real-time wave-based acoustics engine for games. It comes with an integration with the Unity Engine.
hostbaseA Ruby GUI based on advanced rogue AP attack using the WPS
GraphTermGraphTerm: An aspirational DevOps and Container IDE Concept
copycatModern port of Melanie Mitchell's and Douglas Hofstadter's Copycat
concept-based-xaiLibrary implementing state-of-the-art Concept-based and Disentanglement Learning methods for Explainable AI
TreeView"TreeView - sub-cells simplified" (c). Enable subcells in UITableView with a single drop-in extension. CocoaPod: