Movie Trailers SwiftUIA simple app which shows the lastest movies trailers based on different genres developed using SwiftUI.
cefal(Concepts-enabled) Functional Abstraction Layer for C++
thread poolThread pool using std::* primitives from C++17, with optional priority queue/greenthreading for POSIX.
data-science-learning📊 All of courses, assignments, exercises, mini-projects and books that I've done so far in the process of learning by myself Machine Learning and Data Science.
notes📓 Notes related to Computer Science stuff.
programming-with-cpp20Companion source code for "Programming with C++20 - Concepts, Coroutines, Ranges, and more"
NamingThingsContent on tips, tricks, advice, practices for naming things in in software/technology
copycatModern port of Melanie Mitchell's and Douglas Hofstadter's Copycat