ApiAPI for Current cases and more stuff about COVID-19 and Influenza
Covid19radarOpen Source / i18n / iOS Android Cross Platform Contact Tracing App by exposure notification framework Xamarin App and Server Side Code
Corona Cli🦠 Track the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in the command line. Worldwide for all countries, for one country, and the US States. Fast response time (< 100ms). To chat: https://twitter.com/MrAhmadAwais/
Cwa ServerBackend implementation for the Apple/Google exposure notification API.
Coronavirus Tracker Api🦠 A simple and fast (< 200ms) API for tracking the global coronavirus (COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2) outbreak. It's written in python using the 🔥 FastAPI framework. Supports multiple sources!
Ncovmemory2020新冠肺炎记忆:报道、非虚构与个人叙述(持续更新) Memory of 2020 nCoV: Media Coverage, Non-fiction Writings, and Individual Narratives (Continuously updating)
Covid 19Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Cases, provided by JHU CSSE
Covid 19 DataData on COVID-19 (coronavirus) cases, deaths, hospitalizations, tests • All countries • Updated daily by Our World in Data
covid19germanyR package - Load, visualise and analyse daily updated data on the COVID-19 outbreak in Germany
CoronaTabFree & Open source platform for COVID19 data. Dashboard - REST API - Browser Extension - Localised 🦠 😷
coronavirus-wallpaper🦠 Application that allows you to update your wallpaper with the COVID-19 stats in your area
Covid19TrackerA Robinhood style COVID-19 🦠 Android tracking app for the US. Open source and built with Kotlin.
covid-19-communityCommunity effort to build a Neo4j Knowledge Graph (KG) that links heterogeneous data about COVID-19
COVID-19-DatasetsNovel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Cases for India, provided by University of Kalyani.
RPICovidScraperscraper for Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI)'s Covid Dashboard
coronavirus-statsAutomatically scrape data and statistics on Coronavirus to make them easily accessible in CSV format
node-apiA JavaScript API Wrapper for NovelCOVID/API
coronavirusrdWeb app to show information about the current cases of COVID 19 in Dominican Republic
COVID-19-AICollection of AI resources to fight against Coronavirus (COVID-19)
COVID19Using Kalman Filter to Predict Corona Virus Spread
covid-19-self-assessmentThe tool takes the public through a series of questions to inform those who are concerned they may have contracted COVID-19.
align covidCoronavirus time series aligned by number of cases, not date.
aarogya sevaA beautiful 😍 covid-19 app with self - assessment and more.
coro2sensBuild a simple device that warns if CO₂ concentration in a room becomes a risk for COVID-19 aerosol infections.
coronavirus-knowledge-graphOBSOLETE: Prototype Neo4j Knowledge Graph for Coronavirus outbreaks (see NEW VERSION: https://github.com/covid-19-net/covid-19-community)
CoronaXivFirst Prize in HackJaipur Hackathon 2020 for Best ElasticSearch-based Product! Website: http://coronaxiv2.surge.sh/#/
covid-19HDR UK - Resources for 🦠COVID-19 Research
reach4helpWe are Reach4Help: a tech nonprofit connecting people in need with volunteer help in 38+ countries across Canada, the US, Europe and Asia
covidCOVID-19 cases around the world.
Jibli🙏 It is a humanitarian initiative that aims to provide free delivery platform due to the coronavirus pandemic 😷😷😷
covid-19Current and historical coronavirus covid-19 confirmed, recovered, deaths and active case counts segmented by country and region. Includes csv, json and sqlite data along with an interactive website explorer.
CoronaVirusDatabaseA repository for analyzing references and database of "gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com" website for Corona Virus.
covid19grOpen Data Aggregation & Knowledge Base Repository for the evolution of the SARS-COV-2 pandemic in Greece.
COVID19PyA tiny Python package for easy access to up-to-date Coronavirus (COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2) cases data.
noeBooking and patient management system for drive-through virology testing. For a commercially supported solution, visit the CovidTMS website.
covid-alertA privacy-preserving app for comparing last-known locations of coronavirus patients
awesome-social-distancing😷 Collection of awesome resources, tools, and initiatives to alleviate loneliness, isolation, and other burdens imposed by "social distancing" measures.
BioExplorerThe Blue Brain BioExplorer (BBBE) is a tool for scientists to extract and analyze scientific data from visualization and interactive exploration
twitter-digest✉️ A netlify lambda function that emails you tweets from a twitter list.
covid-19-dataCOVID-19 datasets are constructed entirely from primary (government and public agency) sources