Magic enumStatic reflection for enums (to string, from string, iteration) for modern C++, work with any enum type without any macro or boilerplate code
IwEngineThis is an engine that I initially started building after taking a game coding class in high school. I didn't like Unity so tried to make something more code focused that was personally easier to use.
neworderA dynamic microsimulation framework for python
ra-raA C++20 array / expression template library with some J/APL features
CppNow2018Materials from my talks from C++Now 2018
jni-bindJNI Bind is a set of advanced syntactic sugar for writing efficient correct JNI Code in C++17 (and up).
morphologicaA library of supporting code for numerical modelling (JSON config, HDF5 data, Modern OpenGL visualization)
combatrisA "perfect" implementation of an old classic
cpp-tutorCode examples for tutoring modern C++
triviabotA Discord Trivia/Quiz bot with over 150,000 questions and lots of features!
thread-poolBS::thread_pool: a fast, lightweight, and easy-to-use C++17 thread pool library
BurgWarBurg'war est un jeu de plateforme/combat multijoueur en 2D écrit en C++17/Lua avec mon propre moteur de jeu : Nazara Engine.
galGeometric Algebra Library
utf utilsMy work on high-speed conversion of UTF-8 to UTF-32/UTF-16
MQA identifierMaster Quality Authenticated codec reverse engineering, Tool to identify MQA encoding and Master's Sample Rate