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Top 266 create-react-app open source projects

Blog Admin
blog-admin @react、@typescript、@apollographql
Webpack Messages
Beautifully format Webpack messages throughout your bundle lifecycle(s)!
Create React Kotlin App
Create React apps using Kotlin with no build configuration
Web app boilerplate for beginners based on Firebase and React 🔥
Yfiles For Html Demos
Contains demo sources for the JavaScript diagramming library yFiles for HTML
💡✔ Wanna is an implementation of a 21st-century to-do list app.
React Gh Pages
Deploying a React App (created using create-react-app) to GitHub Pages
Todo Redux Saga
Todo app with Create-React-App • React-Redux • Redux-Saga • Firebase • OAuth
🛠 Create awesome cover images for your blog posts quickly.
React Auth App Example
An app example with authentication using Create React App, React, React Router, Apollo, GraphQL, Redux and Redux Form.
Webpack Serve
Takes your webpack config and creates a development server with hot module reloading and error overlay
React Redux Typescript Realworld App
RealWorld App implementation based on "react-redux-typescript-guide"
Cordova Create React App
A tutorial on how to set up a Cordova project using Create React App.
Create React App With Redux
🌟 Simple redux implementation added to an app created with create-react-app
Cra closer look
An explanation of the problems that Create-React-App addresses, and how it attempts to solve them.
React App Rewire Styled Components
Add the styled-components Babel plugin to your create-react-app app via react-app-rewired
Eth Ipfs
etherum + ipfs + react
Cra Recipe
Step-by-step guide to bootstrap a CRA app from scratch.
React Admin
基于[email protected]的react动态权限后台管理系统模板
Analytics React
[DEPRECATED AND UNSUPPORTED] The hassle-free way to integrate analytics into your React application.
React Bnb Gallery
Simple react-based photo gallery inspired by Airbnb image gallery.
Create React Microservice
🚀 Create highly scalable and universal React microservices/applications within seconds.
Create React App Now
Hello, create-react-app, meet Zeit's awesome service.
Generator Create Redux App
Add redux, emotion-js and other useful libraries like react-router in top of create-react-app
React Portfolio
A React portfolio starter app using create-react-app. Includes top header, side nav with a few pages which are routed with react-router
Cra Serverless
Serverless pre-rendering (SSR) for React SPA using AWS Lambda, S3, and CloudFront.
Subway Shanghai
🚆上海地铁线路图PWA,支持离线使用,强烈建议安装Chrome浏览器使用。Subway Shanghai, offline first, it's strongly recommended to use by Chrome.
React Mobx State Tree
Create React App with MobX State Tree, Styled Components and GraphQL
Create React App Esbuild
Use esbuild in your create-react-app for faster compilation, development and tests
React Desktops
web桌面操作系统前端UI,用了丰富的mac和win10桌面元素,包括桌面图标、窗口化子页面管理、开始菜单等组件,兼容主流现代浏览器。 适合快速开发后台管理系统的前端界面、整合企业诸多应用、通过B/S架构集成系统、可作为企业级应用管理平台。
Create Ueno App
The easiest and fastest way to create new web projects with next, gatsby, create-react-app and mobile projects with react-native.
React Antd Admin
React Redux Auth0 Kit
Minimal starter boilerplate project with CRA, React, Redux, React Router and Auth0 authentication
My self coded personal website build with React.js
Cra Runtime Environment Variables
Guide: Runtime environment variables within Create React App
Generate React components by replicating your own
Searchkit Starter App
Searchkit starter app. Based off create-react-app
Cra Build Watch
A script for create-react-app that writes development builds to the disk
React Burger Menu Article App
React app with implemented hamburger menu
Road Beyond React App
🌈 The Road beyond React - Thing you can use after learning plain React.js
💼 My personal portfolio built with React and three.js.
Landing page for event React Conf Brazil
Upload your templates to codesandbox with a single command 🏖️. This repo has been moved here:
Webpack Format Messages
Beautiful formatting for Webpack messages; ported from Create React App!
React Easy Start
A lightweight ant-design-pro based on create-react-app.
Simple time logging web app
Npm Registry Browser
Browse the npm registry with an SPA made in React, with full dev workflow.
Awesome Create React App
Awesome list of Create React App articles / tutorials / videos and FAQ
每天大红包 · 网页端
Cra Boilerplate
Up to date: This project is an Create React App - v2.1.1 boilerplate with integration of Redux, React Router, Redux thunk & Reactstrap(Bootstrap v4)
1-60 of 266 create-react-app projects