HandsontableJavaScript data grid with a spreadsheet look & feel. Works with React, Angular, and Vue. Supported by the Handsontable team ⚡
CssobjRuntime CSS manager, Turn CSS into dynamic JS module, Stylesheet CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) in CSSOM, name space (local) class names
Php Crud ApiSingle file PHP script that adds a REST API to a SQL database
Prisma ToolsPrisma tools to help you generate CRUD system for GraphQL servers
FilebaseA Simple but Powerful Flat File Database Storage.
Gosql🐥The very simple ORM library for Golang
PikeGenerate CRUD gRPC backends from single YAML description.
Crud Intellij Plugin一个增删改查的idea插件,可以根据数据库表结构,帮助您快速生成model、dao、service、controller等相关代码。同时支持MyBatis、JPA、MybatisPlus。
StatorStator, your go-to template for the perfect stack. 😍🙏
MagicCreate your .Net Core/Angular/Database CRUD Web apps by simply clicking a button
HyperformulaA complete, open-source Excel-like calculation engine written in TypeScript. Includes 380+ built-in functions. Maintained by the Handsontable team⚡
DntframeworkcoreLightweight and Extensible Infrastructure for Building Web Applications - Web Application Framework
LibraryThis is a project of a library, driven by real business requirements.
We use techniques strongly connected with Domain Driven Design, Behavior-Driven Development,
Event Storming, User Story Mapping.
Simple CrudPHP library to provide magic CRUD in MySQL/Sqlite databases with zero configuration
CrudNestJs CRUD for RESTful APIs
AppsmithLow code project to build admin panels, internal tools, and dashboards. Integrates with 15+ databases and any API.
Fastapi CrudrouterA dynamic FastAPI router that automatically creates CRUD routes for your models
Flama🔥 Fire up your API with this flamethrower
CanjsBuild CRUD apps in fewer lines of code.
D2 Crud Plus面向配置的crud框架,基于d2-admin的d2-crud,简化d2-crud配置,快速开发crud功能;支持远程数据字典,国际手机号校验,alioss、腾讯云cos、七牛云文件上传、头像裁剪,省市区选择,权限管理,代码生成
DataFast DB-independent DAL for .NET Core: abstract queries, SQL commands builder, schema-less data access, POCO mapping (micro-ORM).
Summernote CleanerPlugin for Summernote that adds a Button and/or Paste functionality for cleaning MS Word Crud from editor text
Play2 CrudSimple CRUD & DAO implementation for play2
Vaadin On KotlinWriting full-stack statically-typed web apps on JVM at its simplest
Owasp Mth3l3m3nt FrameworkOWASP Mth3l3m3nt Framework is a penetration testing aiding tool and exploitation framework. It fosters a principle of attack the web using the web as well as pentest on the go through its responsive interface.
Typegraphql PrismaPrisma 2 generator to emit TypeGraphQL types and CRUD resolvers from your Prisma 2 schema
FrameworkRepositório principal contendo o Core e Extensions: JPA, Security, WS
LowcodeLow-code platform design rule
CrudapiGo implementation of a RESTful JSON API exposing CRUD functionality relying on a custom storage.
Slick RepoCRUD Repositories for Slick based persistence Scala projects.
Django Crud Ajax Login Register FileuploadDjango Crud, Django Crud Application, Django ajax CRUD,Django Boilerplate application, Django Register, Django Login,Django fileupload, CRUD, Bootstrap, AJAX, sample App
Model2appTurn your Swift data model into a working CRUD app.
CrudboosterLaravel CRUD Generator, Make an Advanced Web Application Quickly
Nodejs Mysql LinksA CRUD Web Application with authentication using Nodejs, Mysql and other Javascript technologies
CrayA Laravel package to help you generate nearly complete CRUD pages like crazy!
Think BuilderA command line toolit to build applications' CRUD/mvc scaffold for thinkphp v6. 用于生成 thinkphp v6 增查改删脚手架代码的命令行工具。
Borm【🔥今日热门】🏎️ 更好的ORM库 (Better ORM library that is simple, fast and self-mockable for Go)