Awesome Datascience📝 An awesome Data Science repository to learn and apply for real world problems.
Vis AcademyA set of tutorials on how our frameworks make effective data visualization applications.
RthreejsThree.js widgets for R and shiny
MissingnoMissing data visualization module for Python.
Ncov【在开发2.x版本,暂时关闭站点!新版大屏beta 版本,全实时数据,交互式大屏,精确到城市级,弹幕来袭】关注2019新型冠状病毒(2019-nCoV),数据可视化感染人群热点图、迁徙扩散轨迹,以提供帮助分析疫情。 愿世界安好。Focus on Wuhan 2019-nCoV, data visualization, to help analyze the epidemic situation. May the world be well.
ClchartA fast, simple and cross-platform(html5 react-native weex wechat-applet) stock chart library created using canvas.
Dash.jlDash for Julia - A Julia interface to the Dash ecosystem for creating analytic web applications in Julia. No JavaScript required.
Orange3🍊 📊 💡 Orange: Interactive data analysis
CboardAn easy to use, self-service open BI reporting and BI dashboard platform.
CjworkbenchThe data journalism platform with built in training
IdacyberData Visualization Plugin for IDA Pro
Dropchop🍴 browser-based spatial operations
Datav📊 is a modern APM, provide observability for your business, application and infrastructure. It's also a lightweight alternative to Grafana.
DatascienceCurated list of Python resources for data science.
PyscadaPyScada is a open source scada system that uses the Django framework as backend
DeepgraphAnalyze Data with Pandas-based Networks. Documentation:
QuerytreeData reporting and visualization for your app
TablesawJava dataframe and visualization library
Datoviz⚡ High-performance GPU interactive scientific data visualization with Vulkan
DashAnalytical Web Apps for Python, R, Julia, and Jupyter. No JavaScript Required.
StreamlitStreamlit — The fastest way to build data apps in Python
SlapdashBoilerplate for bootstrapping scalable multi-page Dash applications
DatascienceprojectsThe code repository for projects and tutorials in R and Python that covers a variety of topics in data visualization, statistics sports analytics and general application of probability theory.
IvisDimensionality reduction in very large datasets using Siamese Networks
Reaviz📊 Data visualization library for React based on D3
Amazing Feature EngineeringFeature engineering is the process of using domain knowledge to extract features from raw data via data mining techniques. These features can be used to improve the performance of machine learning algorithms. Feature engineering can be considered as applied machine learning itself.
Edavizedaviz - Python library for Exploratory Data Analysis and Visualization in Jupyter Notebook or Jupyter Lab
ChordPython package for creating beautiful interactive Chord Diagrams. Pro version available at
ChartbrewOpen-source web platform for creating charts out of different data sources (databases and APIs) 📈📊
HelicalinsightHelical Insight software is world’s first Open Source Business Intelligence framework which helps you to make sense out of your data and make well informed decisions.
MproveOpen source Business Intelligence tool 🎉
ShifteratorInterpretable data visualizations for understanding how texts differ at the word level
DexplotSimple plotting library that wraps Matplotlib and integrated with DataFrames
GgchartsGet You to Your Desired Plot Faster
KoolreportThis is an Open Source PHP Reporting Framework which you can use to write perfect data reports or to construct awesome dashboards using PHP
ObscurifyFind out more about your music taste and compare it to others' with Obscurify
DiscoveryFrontend framework for rapid data (JSON) analysis, sharable serverless reports and dashboards
QuarkQuark is a data visualization framework.
L7🌎 Large-scale WebGL-powered Geospatial Data Visualization analysis framework which relies on Mapbox GL or AMap to render basemaps.
IntermineA powerful open source data warehouse system
KaryoploterkaryoploteR - An R/Bioconductor package to plot arbitrary data along the genome
KlibEasy to use Python library of customized functions for cleaning and analyzing data.
Data Setstate driven all in one data process for data visualization
CovidtestingThe COVID-19 Testing Gap: an interactive data visualization