Top 765 dataset open source projects

API for the dataset proposed in "Pose2Seg: Detection Free Human Instance Segmentation" @ CVPR2019.
Covid 19 Uk Data
Coronavirus (COVID-19) UK Historical Data
Convert face dataset to masked dataset
Cifar 10.1
Release of CIFAR-10.1, a new test set for CIFAR-10.
Source code for AAAI 2020 paper "Channel Attention Is All You Need for Video Frame Interpolation"
Venmo Data
Venmo trasaction dataset for data analysis/visualization/anything
Whylogs Java
Profile and monitor your ML data pipeline end-to-end
Dspp Keras
Protein order and disorder data for Keras, Tensor Flow and Edward frameworks with automated update cycle made for continuous learning applications.
Nlp bahasa resources
A Curated List of Dataset and Usable Library Resources for NLP in Bahasa Indonesia
Reuters Full Data Set
Full dataset of Reuters composed of 8,551,441 news titles, links and timestamps (Jan 2007 - Aug 2016). Generate your own up to today!
Motion Sense
MotionSense Dataset for Human Activity and Attribute Recognition ( time-series data generated by smartphone's sensors: accelerometer and gyroscope)
Omr Datasets
Collection of datasets used for Optical Music Recognition
NPOI Extensions, excel/csv importer/exporter for IEnumerable<T>/DataTable, fluentapi(great flexibility)/attribute configuration
Rt gene
RT-GENE: Real-Time Eye Gaze and Blink Estimation in Natural Environments
Gta Im Dataset
[ECCV-20] 3D human scene interaction dataset:
Snape is a convenient artificial dataset generator that wraps sklearn's make_classification and make_regression and then adds in 'realism' features such as complex formating, varying scales, categorical variables, and missing values.
Digital Elevation model library in C#. 3D terrain models, line/point Elevations, intervisibility reports
Isic Archive Downloader
A script to download the ISIC Archive of lesion images
Official project website for the CVPR 2020 paper (Oral Presentation) "Cascaded Deep Monocular 3D Human Pose Estimation With Evolutionary Training Data"
Awesome Biomechanics
A curated, public list collecting resources for biomechanics and human motion: datasets, processing tools, software for simulation, educational videos, lectures, etc.
Quickdraw Appendix
Dataset of 25k penises: an appendix to the Quick, Draw! Dataset
Maskedface Net
MaskedFace-Net is a dataset of human faces with a correctly and incorrectly worn mask based on the dataset Flickr-Faces-HQ (FFHQ).
Music Dance Video Synthesis
(ACM MM 20 Oral) PyTorch implementation of Self-supervised Dance Video Synthesis Conditioned on Music
Lapa Dataset
A large-scale dataset for face parsing (AAAI2020)
Human Trajectory Prediction Dataset Benchmark (ACCV 2020)
Face Detect
A Python based tool to extract faces from any picture.
Dstc7 End To End Conversation Modeling
Grounded conversational dataset for end-to-end conversational AI (official DSTC7 data)
This repo includes introduction, code and dataset of our paper Deep Sequence Learning with Auxiliary Information for Traffic Prediction (KDD 2018).
中文语言理解测评基准 Chinese Language Understanding Evaluation Benchmark: datasets, baselines, pre-trained models, corpus and leaderboard
Lacmus is a cross-platform application that helps to find people who are lost in the forest using computer vision and neural networks.
TriggerNER: Learning with Entity Triggers as Explanations for Named Entity Recognition (ACL 2020)
Netcdf Fortran
Official GitHub repository for netCDF-Fortran libraries, which depend on the netCDF C library. Install the netCDF C library first.
Coffee Quality Database
Building the Coffee Quality Institute Database
Ml Datasets
Machine Learning datasets for Nepal
✭ 139
Helsinki Prosody Corpus and A System for Predicting Prosodic Prominence from Text
🌶 Create lightweight descriptions of your datasets
🎁 3,000,000+ Unsplash images made available for research and machine learning
Numbers concerning COVID-19 disease cases in The Netherlands by RIVM, LCPS, NICE, ECML, and Rijksoverheid.
A clean and simple data loading library for Continual Learning
🔥Urban-scale point cloud dataset (CVPR 2021)
Mams For Absa
A Multi-Aspect Multi-Sentiment Dataset for aspect-based sentiment analysis.
Awesome Italian Public Datasets
A selection of interesting Open dataset from the Italian Public Administration and Civic Data use cases
HAKE: Human Activity Knowledge Engine (CVPR'18/19/20, NeurIPS'20)
[EMNLP 2018] PyTorch code for TVQA: Localized, Compositional Video Question Answering
Hpatches Benchmark
Python & Matlab code for local feature descriptor evaluation with the HPatches dataset.
Python Pytest Cases
Separate test code from test cases in pytest.
PaddlePaddle Fluid 版本系列教程,CSDN博客专栏:
Large dataset of hand-object contact, hand- and object-pose, and 2.9 M RGB-D grasp images.
⬆️ Rankings with the most active GitHub users in Spain (sorted by public contributions) 🇪🇸
Sunrgbd Meta Data
train test labels for sunrgbd
Dialog corpus
用于训练中英文对话系统的语料库 Datasets for Training Chatbot System
61-120 of 765 dataset projects