Top 63 directive open source projects

Vue Scroll
Scroll directive on vue
Ng Click Outside
[Inactive] Angular directive for handling click events outside of an element.
Ng Inline Svg
[Inactive] Angular directive for inserting an SVG file inline within an element.
Ngx Daterangepicker Material
Pure Angular 2+ date range picker with material design theme, a demo here:
Vue Directive Tooltip
Vue.js tooltip directive. Easy to use, configure and style
Vue Scrollto
Adds a directive that listens for click events and scrolls to elements.
Graphql Directive
Use custom directives in your GraphQL schema and queries 🎩
Vue.js 2.0 directive to detect images loading
Ngx Digit Only
An Angular directive to only allow [0-9] in the input box when typing, pasting or drag/dropping.
Angular Es6
Angular ES6 utility library. Write directives, controllers and services as ES6 classes.
V Click Outside X
Vue V2 directive to react on clicks outside an element.
V Dragged
Vue directive plugin for drag event detection.
Agm Direction
This is the directive for @agm/core (not official)
Vue Cosha
🎨 A vue directive for the cosha library
Smart Area
📝 Textareas on Steroids - AngularJS directive
Vue Match Heights
Vue plugin to match the height of elements
Angular File Picker
A simple file picker for Angular
(🗃️ Archived) Vue 2 directive for custom scrollbar that uses native scroll behavior. Lightweight, performant, customizable and without dependencies. Used successfully in production on
V Hotkey
Vue 2.x directive for binding hotkeys to components.
Angular Datepicker
Angularjs datepicker module, generate a datepicker on your input element -
Vue Wechat Title
Angular Tooltips
Angularjs tooltips module, add tooltips to your elements -
Angular Tutorial
🐰Some of the angular tutorial - 《Angular学习笔记》
V Track
🕹 A manual tracking decoupling plugin based on Vue directive / 一个基于Vue指令实现的埋点解耦插件~
Vue.js binding for Tippy.js
Angular attribute directive that gives focus on an element depending on a given expression 🔎
angular2-stretchy is an Angular2 directive that automatically adjusts input width to fit content.
Directive to scroll to first invalid form control inside an Angular form on submit
vue-loading presented in Vue2
Vue directive to copy to clipboard. (1kB)
A simple directive to add easter eggs in your Angular application 👾
Minimalistic drag & drop directives for Vue.js
Unify your SQL schema and your GraphQL Schema. Use GraphQL SDL as the lingua franca to define your data requirements.
A Vue directive to lock the body scroll without stopping the target element from scrolling.
A simple lightweight library for Angular which automatically updates links to indicate the currently active section in the viewport
A babel plugin that provides some directives for react(JSX), similar to directives of vue.
Angular Downloader is an angularjs directive that enables you to manage browser download -
Angular directive for running PayPal's in-context checkout flow
An AngularJS directive providing a simple slider functionality
Angular 2+ scrollbar customization using Malihu jQuery Custom Scrollbar plugin
A vanilla-js module for adding zoom-on-wheel and pan-on-drag behavior to inline SVG elements.
A simple lightweight library for Angular which removes excess text and add ellipsis symbol to end of text before text overflows container
A basic way to for users to graphically build a cron expression using Angular.
Add access control to your components using hierarchical configuration with logical expressions.
1-60 of 63 directive projects