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Top 73 django-admin open source projects

Django Flat Responsive
📱 An extension for Django admin that makes interface mobile-friendly. Merged into Django 2.0
Django Admin List Filter Dropdown
Use dropdowns in Django admin list filter
Django Admin Env Notice
Visually distinguish environments in Django Admin
Django Suit
Modern theme for Django admin interface
A modern theme based on vue+element-ui for django admin.一款基于vue+element-ui的django admin现代化主题。全球20000+网站都在使用!喜欢可以点个star✨
Django Antd Tyadmin
类似 xadmin 的基于Model 快速生成前后台管理增删改查,筛选,搜索的后台管理自动化工具。Antd 界面好看现代化!前后端分离!无损二次开发!由Django Restful Framework 和 Ant Design Pro V4 驱动
Django Inline Actions
django-inline-actions adds actions to each row of the ModelAdmin or InlineModelAdmin.
Django Admin Autocomplete Filter
A simple Django app to render list filters in django admin using autocomplete widget.
Django Material Admin
Material design for django administration
Django Polymorphic Tree
Polymorphic MPTT tree support for models
Django Fluent Contents
A widget engine to display various content on Django pages
Django Subadmin
A special kind of ModelAdmin that allows it to be nested within another ModelAdmin
Django Crud Ajax Login Register Fileupload
Django Crud, Django Crud Application, Django ajax CRUD,Django Boilerplate application, Django Register, Django Login,Django fileupload, CRUD, Bootstrap, AJAX, sample App
Django Fluent Pages
A flexible, scalable CMS with custom node types, and flexible block content.
Django Admin Relation Links
An easy way to add links to relations in the Django Admin site.
Awesome Django
Repository mirror of GitLab: This repository is not monitored for issues, use original at GitLab.
Django Admin Material
A Django Admin interface based on Material Design by Google
Django Polymorphic
Improved Django model inheritance with automatic downcasting
E Commerce 2 django
Guest register, user register, user login, user logout, account home page, product view history, change password, reset password, change name, send activation email when register, resend activation email, add shipping address, add billing address, add nickname to the addresses, edit shipping address, edit billing address, view list of your addresses, reuse shipping addresses when order products, reuse billing addresses when ordeer products, show sales analytics if staff or admin only using -chart.js-, get analytics data with Ajax, receive marketing email, change if user will receive marketing email or not by admin, send contact message with Ajax, products list, product detail, download product detail as a PDF file, download digital product files -if the user purchased that digital product only-, orders list, list of digital products files, order detail, download order detail as a PDF file, verify order ownership with Ajax -to secure order detail page-, show cart products, add or remove product from cart, checkout page, thanks page when order placed successfully, add or reuse payment method, add or reuse payment method with Ajax, search products by title, search products by description, search products by price, search products by tag title, write tags for products -by admin only-, auto fill contact email, full name if user logged in.
Django Suit Daterange Filter
Filter for django-admin allowing lookups by date range
Store e run queries on database to help system manager of a Django website
Django Oml
Object Moderation Layer
Django Blogging System
This is blog system created using Django 1.11.4 and Python3
Django Phantom Theme
Phantom is theme for django admin with many widgets, based on Twitter bootstrap 3.x.
Django Admin Bootstrap
Responsive Theme for Django Admin With Sidebar Menu
Awesome Django
The Best Django Resource, Awesome Django for mature packages.
Django Pagedown
A django app that allows the easy addition of Stack Overflow's "PageDown" markdown editor to a django form field, whether in a custom app or the Django Admin
Django Ordered Model
Get your Django models in order
Django Nested Admin
Django admin classes that allow for nested inlines
Django Flat Theme
A flat theme for Django admin interface. Modern, fresh, simple.
Django Object Actions
A Django app for easily adding object tools in the Django admin
Django Cruds Adminlte
django-cruds is simple drop-in django app that creates CRUD for faster prototyping
Django Map Widgets
Pluggable map widgets for Django Postgis fields
Awesome Django Admin
Curated List of Awesome Django Admin Panel Articles, Libraries/Packages, Books, Themes, Videos, Resources.
Djangocms Admin Style
django CMS Admin Style is a Django Theme tailored to the needs of django CMS.
Django Page Cms
Official Django page CMS git repository
Django Admin Easy
Collection of admin fields and decorators to help to create computed or custom fields more friendly and easy way
Django Fluent Dashboard
An improved django-admin-tools dashboard for Django projects
Django Wpadmin
WordPress look and feel for Django administration panel
Django Mptt Admin
Django-mptt-admin provides a nice Django Admin interface for Mptt models
An improved URL selector to choose between internal models and external URLs
Django class-based view for CSV exports
An example project for configuring Djcelery with Flask application and dynamically changing tasks via REST API and through django admin
Page Lock for Django Admin allows developers to implement customizable locking pages.
Display Django admin custom actions in changelist, changeview or per row in changelist.
This is a simple realisation of StreamField's idea from Wagtail CMS for plain Django admin or with Grappelli skin.
Django-google-optimize is a Django application designed to make running server side Google Optimize A/B tests easy.
A Django application that provides a locking mechanism to prevent concurrency editing.
django admin chart js
An example repo showing how to add Chart.js to Django admin
AdminConfirmMixin is a mixin for ModelAdmin that adds confirmations to changes, additions and actions.
Create beautiful configurable charts from your models and display them on the django-admin index page or on django-admin-tools dashboard. The charts are based on models and criterias defined through admin interface and some chart parameters are configurable in live view.
1-60 of 73 django-admin projects