8bit CpuSchematics & code for my 74LS-based 8-bit MK1 CPU
InsanelycheapelectronicsA compilation of links relating to electronics me and my friends have bought from China. It is online as a resource for others just starting out in electronics, and are looking for projects to do.
BlogA set of various projects based on ESP8266, ESP32, ATtiny13, ATtiny85, ATtiny2313, ATmega8, ATmega328, ATmega32, STM32 and more.
KitspaceA place to share electronics projects
GerbolyzeRender high-resolution bitmap images to PCB gerber files
OreganoSchematic capture and circuit simulator
TinypcA miniature gaming PC / laptop
CircuitdiagramA user-friendly program for making electronic circuit diagrams.
PiscopeTurn your Raspberry Pi into an Oscilloscope/XY Plotter with Python
ReflowduinoArduino-compatible wireless reflow oven controller ecosystem of open-source hardware
GoldfishA small, thin, USB-C, Pro Micro compatible microcontroller
IcemuEmulate Integrated Circuits at the logic level
EspwaySegway-like robot implemented on ESP8266
PcbdlPCB Design Language: A programming way to design schematics.
LibrepcbA powerful, innovative and intuitive EDA tool for everyone!
Morpheus Stm32A small 3D printer controller board for use with a "blue pill" STM32F1 generic board. Inspired on http://reprap.org/wiki/SinapTec
GdshelpersGDSHelpers is an open-source package for automatized pattern generation for nano-structuring.
Altium LibraryOpen source Altium Database Library with over 147,000 high quality components and full 3d models.
Halloweenfire🎃 Arduino sketch for multiple neopixels to create spooky 'fire' effect
Makair🫁 The world's first open-source ventilator tested on human patients. Mass-producible at a low cost (~2000€).
SkidlSKiDL is a module that extends Python with the ability to design electronic circuits.
Tracespace⚡️generate beautiful and accurate SVG renders of printed circuit boards
Automated Irrigation SystemThis is the software of an open source automated irrigation system. The complete setup including hardware can be found in the README.
Ktechlaban IDE for microcontrollers and electronics
solar-systemVarious pieces of code that control my home-made solar energy collection system.
pinoutAn open source Python package that generates hardware pinout diagrams as SVG images.
NanoJ-FluidicsManual, source-code and binaries for the NanoJ-Fluidics project
dna-sculpture3D printed sculpture of a DNA molecule, showing my own genome
DSP-ADAU1452Open Hardware DSP Platform ADAU145x DSP supporting ADAU1452, ADAU1451, and ADAU1450 devices
RCAutopilotAutonomous RC Car powered by a Convoluted Neural Network implemented in Python with Tensorflow
oicOpen Instrument Control
vrcpuCode, documentation, schematics, notes for my Ben Eater inspired breadboard computer and emulator
PrecIRYou know what this is for ;-)
for-science-keyboardA split ergo 4x5 keyboard with 3 thumb keys where each half is smaller than the 100x100mm cheap PCB production size.
pedalevitePédale Vite — DIY multi-FX pedalboard for guitar/bass/etc.
mikotoBluetooth LE nRF52840 microcontroller in a pro-micro footprint.
DigiOSMini OS emulator for Digispark (an Attiny85 based microcontroller).
ccpuA 8-bit computer made of 74xx series logic gates and memory ICs.
nestronicNestronic Game Music Synthesizer Alarm Clock
Part-DBOpen Source Electronic Parts Database using PHP and MySQL
UliEngineeringA python library for calculations perfomed in electronics engineering