Top 507 embedded open source projects

C/C++ JSON parser, emitter, JSON-RPC engine for embedded systems
High-Performance Hierarchical Finite State Machine Framework
Arduino Fastled Music Visualizer
An Arduino based music visualizer using the FastLED library and a strip of individually addressable LEDs
Cargo Flash
a cargo extension for programming microcontrollers
Craft and deploy bulletproof embedded software in Elixir
Easy Build
Collection of Dockerfiles for building embedded software distributions
Tiny Json
The tiny-json is a versatile and easy to use json parser in C suitable for embedded systems. It is fast, robust and portable.
An open source cross-platform USB stack for embedded system
Embedded Ide
IDE for C embedded development centered on bare-metal ARM systems
A small portable virtual machine that would run Erlang on embedded systems
embedded systems control library for development, testing and installation
Awesome Micropython
Curated list of awesome MicroPython resources
The Simple Intelligent and Modular Programming Language and Environment
Rust I2cdev
Rust library for interfacing with i2c devices under Linux
C implementation of the client-side OMA LwM2M protocol
CLI utility for Drone, an Embedded Operating System.
U Root
A fully Go userland with Linux bootloaders! u-root can create a one-binary root file system (initramfs) containing a busybox-like set of tools written in Go.
Emulate Integrated Circuits at the logic level
Seamless embedding of R in C++ programs
Arduino Library to simplify working with buttons. It allows you to use callback functions to track single, double, triple and long clicks. It also takes care of debouncing.
wolfBoot is a portable, OS-agnostic, secure bootloader for microcontrollers, supporting firmware authentication and firmware update mechanisms.
Embedded JavaScript engine for C/C++
EmbedOS - Embedded security testing virtual machine
An Embedded NoSQL, Transactional Database Engine
List of robot electronics
A curated list of awesome open source electronic resources for robotics
Linux Embedded Hal
Implementation of the `embedded-hal` traits for Linux devices
Rust Embedded async executor and HALs
Cargo Embed
a cargo extension for working with microcontrollers
MFixedPoint is a header-only fixed-point C++ library suitable for fast arithmetic operations on systems which don't have a FPU (e.g. embedded systems).. Suitable for performing computationally intensive operations on a computing platform that does not have a floating-point unit (like most smaller embedded systems, such as Cortex-M3, CortexM0, ATmega, PSoC 5, PSoC 5 LP, PSoC 4, Arduino platforms e.t.c). Common applications include BLDC motor control and image processing. Best performance on a 32-bit or higher architecture (although 8-bit architectures should still be fine).
✭ 100
Low-level key/value store in pure Go.
Python Saleae
Python library to control a Saleae Logic Analyzer
Transpiles a C# subset to non .NET languages and runtimes. (Powered by Roslyn)
Lightweight dynamic memory manager library for embedded systems with memory constraints. It implements malloc, calloc, realloc and free functions
Ot Rtos
OpenThread RTOS, an integration of OpenThread, LwIP, and FreeRTOS.
Kaa Internet of Things platform for device management, data collection, analytics and visualization, remote control, software updates and more
Embedded Hardware Abstraction Library
Lv drivers
TFT and touch pad drivers for LVGL embedded GUI library
Nrf52dk Sys
A Rust Crate to develop on the Nordic nRF52-DK
Gpio Utils
Userspace Utilities for managing GPIOs in Linux
Lightweight IoT device information storage solution: KV/IAP/LOG. | 轻量级物联网设备信息存储方案:参数存储、在线升级及日志存储 ,全新一代版本请移步至
Ring Buffer
simple C++11 ring buffer implementation, allocated and evaluated at compile time
DeveelDB is a complete SQL database system, primarly developed for .NET/Mono frameworks
The bitbox console (example, firmwares, doc)
Azure Sdk For C
This repository is for active development of the Azure SDK for Embedded C. For consumers of the SDK we recommend visiting our versioned developer docs at
Sming - Open Source framework for high efficiency native ESP8266 development
🏂 EJDB 2.0 — Embeddable JSON Database engine C library. Simple XPath like query language (JQL). Websockets / Android / iOS / React Native / Flutter / Java / Dart / Node.js bindings. Docker image.
Awesome Canbus
🚛 A curated list of awesome CAN bus tools, hardware and resources
Serial Studio
Multi-purpose serial data visualization & processing program
Small and made-easy HTTP/HTTPS server based on Jef Poskanzer's thttpd
61-120 of 507 embedded projects