Flutter firebaseFlutter UI with different widgets and firebase authentication email and gmail
FiretodoSimple Todo Application using SwiftUI / Firebase / Redux.
Pillar Valley👾A cross-platform video game built with Expo, three.js, and Firebase! 🎮🕹
Ipoli AndroidFun & Motivational Todo List with Calendar for Android written in Kotlin. Using Redux, coroutines, Firebase and Clean Architecture.
React Firebase AdminReact ⚛️ starter kit with Firebase 🔥 and Bulma for setting up an admin dashboard - Highly scalable, PWA, Serverless
Giphertinder like app for gifs built with elm and firebase
SaladaFirebase model framework Salada. Salada is the best Firebase framework.
React FirestoreReact components to fetch data from firestore using render props
FirebasertcCodelab for building a WebRTC Video chat application using Firebase Cloudstore.
MarvelMarvel Characters Android Application Assigned by smava GmbH
Time tracker flutter courseSource code for every lesson in the "Flutter & Firebase: Build a Complete App for iOS & Android" course on Udemy
Actingweb firstappStarter app for Flutter that includes many different production app features; some not typically included in demo apps.
Vuex Easy FirestoreEasy coupling of firestore and a vuex module. 2-way sync with 0 boilerplate!
Canner⚡️[NOT MAINTAINED] Content Management Framework creates custom CMS fast and easy. Support data sources such as Firebase/Firestore, GraphQL and Restful APIs.
ReactfireHooks, Context Providers, and Components that make it easy to interact with Firebase.
NobullshitA sample project entirely written in Kotlin. Backend/Frontend with Ktor and Android app.
Tailor made✄ Managing a Fashion designer's daily routine.
Ballcap IosFirebase Cloud Firestore support library for iOS. 🧢
RocketAutomated software delivery as fast and easy as possible 🚀
Taxi Booking AppThis is a complete ride booking app, It uses google maps cordova plugin, firebase database and onesignal as notification provider.
Go Fcm Firebase Cloud Messaging ( FCM ) Library using golang ( Go )
QtfirebaseAn effort to bring Google's Firebase C++ API to Qt + QML
Angularfire2 Offline🔌 A simple wrapper for AngularFire2 to read and write to Firebase while offline, even after a complete refresh.
RememberThe progressive offline Todo app
FireadminApplication for Managing Firebase Applications. Includes support for multiple environments and data migrations
Buefy ShopA sample shop built with Nuxt, Stripe, Firebase and Serverless Functions
Geoflutterfire🔥GeoFlutterFire🔥 is an open-source library that allows you to store and query firestore documents based on their geographic location.
Refire ForumServerless discussion forum built with React, Redux and Firebase
FireflyWeb app boilerplate for beginners based on Firebase and React 🔥
Angular Firebase CrudAngular CRUD with Firebase using cloud firestore as a database, angular material and Bootstrap 4. Step by Step tutorial and working angular 7 example app.
Nodejs AuthImplementation of node.js authentication with social login ✌️, user impersonation 💅, and no passport.js required 💁
Todo Vue Code for YouTube series on building a Todo App in Vue.js