VipfsVue.js + IPFS = VIPFS. Create unstoppable applications
IconsR package to easily insert web icons to RMarkdown
AvfontsAVFonts for change/swap fontname throughout app.
Fontawesome.sharpA library for using Font Awesome in WPF & Windows Forms applications
Yii2 FontawesomeAsset Bundle for Yii2 with Font Awesome
MerlinResponsive One Page Template
AniconAnimated icons for R markdown and Shiny apps
Bootstrap Simple Admin TemplateThe most reliable HTML, CSS, and JavaScript simple admin template for developing responsive, mobile first web applications on the web.
Empathy❤️ Lightweight admin dashboard build with Tailwindcss, PurgeCSS, Vuejs, Fontawesome 5.
Swifticons🎢Swift Library for Font Icons - ★ this library
Android IconicsAndroid-Iconics - Use any icon font, or vector (.svg) as drawable in your application.
IconfontcppheadersC, C++ headers and C# classes for icon fonts: Font Awesome, Fork Awesome, Material Design, Kenney game icons and Fontaudio
RadialmenuA highly customizable radial menu that's very easy to setup.
KeditorKEditor is a jQuery plugin which provides a content editor with drag n drop, configurable contents
FontAwesome5WPF controls for the iconic SVG, font, and CSS toolkit Font Awesome 5.
vue-faTiny FontAwesome 5 component for Vue.js.
svelte-faTiny FontAwesome 5 component for Svelte
SmartshopAn e-commerce php/mysql website built from scratch (Deprecated)
global-summit-2020I have created this project for the capstone of the HTML/CSS module. I was provided with a design to mock. The content was inspired by website, which lists speakers at the ICF in Dublin, Ohio on the 21st-23rd October 2020.
latex-awesomeboxA package to draw attention boxes in your documents, illustrated with FontAwesome icons (Mirror)
ecommerce-templateThis is a simple and easy to integrate e-commerce design template based on Bootstrap 5.
create-fomantic-iconsGenerate the icon.overrides and files for Fomantic-UI (or Semantic-UI)👻 Fabrizio Duroni (me 😄) personal website. Created using GatsbyJS, Styled Components, Storybook, Typescript, tsParticles, GitHub pages, Github Actions, Upptime.
AwesomeBadgea view class as Like a badge using fontawesome 5.