LasioPython library for reading and writing well data using Log ASCII Standard (LAS) files
MintpyMiami InSAR time-series software in Python
FatiandoPython toolkit for modeling and inversion in geophysics. DEPRECATED in favor of our newer libraries (see
BrugesGeophysics library with various helpful functions
GimliGeophysical Inversion and Modeling Library 🌍
Awesome Physics🌌 A collaborative list of awesome software for exploring Physics concepts
VerosThe versatile ocean simulator, in pure Python, powered by Bohrium.
PyrockoAn official read-only mirror of A seismology toolkit for Python.
GdlGDL - GNU Data Language
HarmonicaForward modeling, inversion, and processing gravity and magnetic data
Pismrepository for the Parallel Ice Sheet Model (PISM)
OpensourceCode for geophysical 3D/2D Finite Difference modelling, Marchenko algorithms, 2D/3D x-w migration and utilities.
Pytheas SplittingHome of the Pytheas software for local shear-wave splitting analysis
Awesome Open GeoscienceCurated from repositories that make our lives as geoscientists, hackers and data wranglers easier or just more awesome
GmtThe Generic Mapping Tools
PygmtA Python interface for the Generic Mapping Tools.
SimpegSimulation and Parameter Estimation in Geophysics - A python package for simulation and gradient based parameter estimation in the context of geophysical applications.
VerdeProcessing and interpolating spatial data with a twist of machine learning
DeepFlowPytorch implementation of "DeepFlow: History Matching in the Space of Deep Generative Models"
EM3DVPEM3DVP: a Visual Package for 3D Geo-Electromagnetic modeling and inversion
interpiesA collection of functions for reading, displaying, transforming and analyzing geophysical data.
PlateFlexEstimating effective elastic thickness of the lithosphere
PVGeo🌍 Python package of VTK-based algorithms to analyze geoscientific data and models
RfPyTeleseismic receiver function calculation and post-processing
jtkThe Mines Java Toolkit
paper-moho-inversion-tesseroidsSource code, data, and model results for "Fast non-linear gravity inversion in spherical coordinates with application to the South American Moho". Published in the Geophysical Journal International.
petgempetgem is a parallel and high-order code for active-source (e.g. CSEM) and passive-source (e.g. MT) geophysics electromagnetic modeling in 3D arbitrary marine/land problems under anisotropic conductivities.
geosci-labscollection of notebook-apps for concepts in applied geophysics
geoistAn Open-Source Geophysical Python Library for Geoscience Prototype Research
facies classification benchmarkThe repository includes PyTorch code, and the data, to reproduce the results for our paper titled "A Machine Learning Benchmark for Facies Classification" (published in the SEG Interpretation Journal, August 2019).
seispyPython module of seismology and receiver functions
TelewavesimTeleseismic body wave modeling through stacks of (submarine/anisotropic) layers
GMT.jlGeneric Mapping Tools Library Wrapper for Julia
rockhoundNOTICE: This library is no longer being developed. Use Ensaio instead ( -- Download geophysical models/datasets and load them in Python
MTfitMTfit code for Bayesian Moment Tensor Fitting
bh tomoA Matlab borehole radar/seismic tomography package
pyGeoPressurePore pressure prediction using seismic velocity and well log data
MSATMATLAB Seismic Anisotropy Toolkit
OrientPySeismic station orientation tools
redaReproducible Electrical Data Analysis
baysegAn unsupervised machine learning algorithm for the segmentation of spatial data sets.
ERTplotScript to plot 2D electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) data with much more versatility than RES2DINV allows.