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Top 40 github-extension open source projects

📆 Browser extension: counts lines of code on GitHub
Refined Github
Browser extension that simplifies the GitHub interface and adds useful features
Hunt the most starred projects on any date on GitHub
Awesome Github
A curated list of awesome GitHub guides, articles, sites, tools, projects and resources. 收集这个列表,只是为了更好地使用GitHub,欢迎提交pr和issue。
Github File Icons
🍭 Chrome extension for displaying file icons on Github.
Github Vscode Icons
📦 vscode-icons for github, nearly 1000 file/folder icons
Notifier For Github
Browser extension - Get notified about new GitHub notifications
Enhanced Github
🚀 Browser extension to display size of each file, download link and copy file contents directly to the clipboard
Automated Github Organization Invites
Quickly host a webpage allowing people to click and receive an invite to your Github Organization
Github Gmail
[WebExtension] Open GitHub notifications with shortcuts in Gmail.
An awesome chrome extension for github
Github Subscribed
Chrome extension that keeps track of your subscription and show them on Github
Squashed Merge Message
Use Pull Request description as Squashed and Merged commit messages.
Github Changelog Generator
Automatically generate change log from your tags, issues, labels and pull requests on GitHub.
🔎 A browser extension to explore npm dependencies on GitHub repos
Github Dashboard
[Web extension] Filter events on activity dashboard.
Githubchart Api
📅 Embed github contributions chart as image
Paint Github
[WebExtension] Draw your GitHub comment.
Reviewing 50+ Pull Requests a day is no fun. Automate it with keyboard shortcuts.
An extension for displaying dependencies of projects on GitHub
Next level code navigation for Java and Go on GitHub.
⚒ (I'm dead) A super tiny chrome extension making your Github news feed more organized.
Safari extension that simplifies the GitHub interface and adds useful features
A simple browser extension that shows a label to indicate that some user follows you on GitHub
Browser extension that simplifies the GitHub interface and adds useful features
Find top things in New Tab, including GitHub Trending Repositories.
Browser extension that adds little language pie charts to a user's profile page on GitHub.
Your Github fame is getting closer with every open-source project you've built and promoted, with every new follower starring, using and forking your solution. This extension supplements every Github developer profile with language bars that show how far they've advanced on their road to the glory among %that_programming_language% community memb…
🔎 Preview and jump to the most upvoted comments in github issues (which are probably solutions)
Chrome extension - Set custom tab size for code view on
1-40 of 40 github-extension projects