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Top 55 grafana-dashboard open source projects

📟✨ PagerDuty on-call widget for monitoring dashboard. Datadog and Grafana compatible
Kube Opex Analytics
🎨 Kubernetes Cost Allocation and Capacity Planning Analytics Tool. Hourly, daily, monthly reports - Prometheus exporter - Built-in & Grafana dashboard.
Prometheus Nats Exporter
A Prometheus exporter for NATS metrics
Legend builds and publishes Grafana dashboards for your services with prefilled metrics and alerts for your services.
Pi Hole Influx
A python daemon to send Pi-Hole stats for Grafana to InfluxDB
Grafana Sync
Keep your Grafana dashboards in sync
Awesome Pulsar
A curated list of Pulsar tools, integrations and resources.
Unifi Poller
Application: Collect ALL UniFi Controller, Site, Device & Client Data - Export to InfluxDB or Prometheus
X509 Certificate Exporter
A Prometheus exporter to monitor x509 certificates expiration in Kubernetes clusters or standalone
Fully-featured metrics collection agent for Minecraft servers. Supports Prometheus and InfluxDB. Dashboard included out-of-box.
Cms Grafana Builder
helps you run a grafana server that include aliyun cms dashboard.
High-level python framework that facilitates rapid server-side development with clean & pragmatic design!
Service that generates a PDF report from a Grafana dashboard
Docker Monitoring
Docker-Monitoring based on Cadvisor, InfluxDB, and Grafana
Version Checker
Kubernetes utility for exposing image versions in use, compared to latest available upstream, as metrics.
Pihole Exporter
A Prometheus exporter for PI-Hole's Raspberry PI ad blocker
User-friendly Go library for building Grafana dashboards
📈CNCF-created tool for analyzing and graphing developer contributions
linux运维监控工具,支持系统信息,内存,cpu,温度,磁盘空间及IO,硬盘smart,系统负载,网络流量等监控,API接口,大屏展示,拓扑图,进程监控,端口监控,docker监控,文件防篡改,日志监控,数据可视化,web ssh,堡垒机,指令下发批量执行,linux面板,探针,故障告警
Tools to extract raw system counters from atop, aggregate them to generate high level performance metrics, whose are then injected into a Graphite database and visualize through Grafana dashboards.
Demo of reading Bluetooth Low Energy sensor measurements of RuuviTag environmental sensors and feeding them to MQTT, a database and dashboards
Collects Netflow version 1, 5, 6, 7, 9 & IPFIX & stores them on InfluxData time-series DB (InfluxDB)
Prometheus Couchbase 5 Exporter, Grafana dashboard and Alerting rules included
A reporting task in Nifi which is capable of sending monitoring statistics as prometheus metrics to a prometheus pushgateway.
Список постов и видеозаписей об VictoriaMetrics на русском языке
Monitor FritzBox metrics via a telegraf/influxdb/grafana stack that reads data from TR-064
Kubernetes Kafka Overview, Burrow consumer lag stats, Kafka disk usage
idrac snmp-grafana
SNMP Based Dashboard to Monitor Dell Hosts via iDRAC
Realtime and historical Yearn metrics
aerospike exporter
A prometheus exporter for collecting aerospike metrics
Monitor Elasticsearch clusters with Grafana dashboards (via Elasticsearch)
Speedtest Exporter made in python using the official speedtest bin
1-55 of 55 grafana-dashboard projects