CedarJavaScript Charts for ArcGIS
Django Static PrecompilerDjango Static Precompiler provides template tags and filters to compile CoffeeScript, LiveScript, SASS / SCSS, LESS, Stylus, Babel and Handlebars. It works with both inline code and external files.
Gluebertgluebert.js is a tiny helper lazy loading DOM Elements, StyleSheets and JavaScript files using dynamic import and code splitting
YarteYarte stands for Yet Another Rust Template Engine
Newman Reporter HtmlextraA HTML reporter for Postman's Command Line Runner, Newman. Includes Non Aggregated Runs broken down by Iterations, Skipped Tests, Console Logs and the handlebars helpers module for better custom templates.
RamhornsFast Mustache template engine implementation in pure Rust.
Baumeister👷 The aim of this project is to help you to build your things. From Bootstrap themes over static websites to single page applications.
ProtocolA design system for Mozilla websites.
Koa HbsHandlebars templates for Koa.js
AeromockLightweight mock web application server
Generator SpfxOpen-source generator to extend the capabilities of the Microsoft SPFx generator
Gulp HbA sane Gulp plugin to compile Handlebars templates. Useful as a static site generator.
Bpmn.ioThe bpmn.io website sources.
TemplateA super-simple way to create new projects based on templates.
KnotxKnot.x is a highly-efficient and scalable integration framework designed to build backend APIs
Webpack Seed🚀 A Multi-Page Application base on webpack and babel. webpack搭建基于ES6,支持模板的多页面项目
Nodejs Mysql LinksA CRUD Web Application with authentication using Nodejs, Mysql and other Javascript technologies
Chatapp Demo⚡️ multi room chat app demo, powered by socket.io
ScribanA fast, powerful, safe and lightweight scripting language and engine for .NET
Dataformsjs🌟 DataFormsJS 🌟 A minimal JavaScript Framework and standalone React and Web Components for rapid development of high quality websites and single page applications.
Wet BoewWeb Experience Toolkit (WET): Open source code library for building innovative websites that are accessible, usable, interoperable, mobile-friendly and multilingual. This collaborative open source project is led by the Government of Canada.
Koa Starter🐨 A starter kit for a slightly opinionated koa project.
Template.jsA javascript template engine, simple, easy & extras, support webpack, rollup, parcel, browserify, fis and gulp
Sing App💥Free and open-source admin dashboard template built with Bootstrap 4.5 💥
Html to pdfGenerate a simple invoice PDF from HTML using puppeteer & handlebars
BookThe Rust and WebAssembly Book
PrivacyspyRating privacy policies for convenience & accountability.
Logging HelpersBasic template helpers for printing messages out to the console. Useful for debugging context in templates. Should work with any template engine.
MailmasonA complete toolset to streamline building and updating a set of consistent transactional emails.