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Top 66 image-captioning open source projects

Show Control And Tell
Show, Control and Tell: A Framework for Generating Controllable and Grounded Captions. CVPR 2019
Code for paper "Attention on Attention for Image Captioning". ICCV 2019
Caption generator
A modular library built on top of Keras and TensorFlow to generate a caption in natural language for any input image.
Meshed Memory Transformer
Meshed-Memory Transformer for Image Captioning. CVPR 2020
ML data annotations made super easy for teams. Just upload data, add your team and build training/evaluation dataset in hours.
Image To Image Search
A reverse image search engine powered by elastic search and tensorflow
Sca Cnn.cvpr17
Image Captions Generation with Spatial and Channel-wise Attention
Up Down Captioner
Automatic image captioning model based on Caffe, using features from bottom-up attention.
Fairseq Image Captioning
Transformer-based image captioning extension for pytorch/fairseq
Image Captioning
Implementation of 'X-Linear Attention Networks for Image Captioning' [CVPR 2020]
Show Adapt And Tell
Code for "Show, Adapt and Tell: Adversarial Training of Cross-domain Image Captioner" in ICCV 2017
Computer vision tools for fairseq, containing PyTorch implementation of text recognition and object detection
gis (go image server) go 实现的图片服务,实现基本的上传,下载,存储,按比例裁剪等功能
Video to Text: Generates description in natural language for given video (Video Captioning)
Medical Report Generation
A pytorch implementation of On the Automatic Generation of Medical Imaging Reports.
CVPR 2018 - Regularizing RNNs for Caption Generation by Reconstructing The Past with The Present
Transformer image caption
Image Captioning based on Bottom-Up and Top-Down Attention model
Image Text Papers
Image Caption and Text to Image papers.
Simple Swift class to provide all the configurations you need to create custom camera view in your app
Coco Cn
Enriching MS-COCO with Chinese sentences and tags for cross-lingual multimedia tasks
Image captioning
generate captions for images using a CNN-RNN model that is trained on the Microsoft Common Objects in COntext (MS COCO) dataset
Bottom Up Attention
Bottom-up attention model for image captioning and VQA, based on Faster R-CNN and Visual Genome
Punny captions
An implementation of the NAACL 2018 paper "Punny Captions: Witty Wordplay in Image Descriptions".
Tensorflow implementation of paper: A Hierarchical Approach for Generating Descriptive Image Paragraphs
Neural Image Captioning
Implementation of Neural Image Captioning model using Keras with Theano backend
Show Attend And Tell
TensorFlow Implementation of "Show, Attend and Tell"
Self Critical.pytorch
Unofficial pytorch implementation for Self-critical Sequence Training for Image Captioning. and others.
Official Pytorch implementation of "OmniNet: A unified architecture for multi-modal multi-task learning" | Authors: Subhojeet Pramanik, Priyanka Agrawal, Aman Hussain
Oscar and VinVL
[CVPR 2021] VirTex: Learning Visual Representations from Textual Annotations
Complete Assignments for CS231n: Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition
PyTorch source code for "Stacked Cross Attention for Image-Text Matching" (ECCV 2018)
Implementation of "Knowing When to Look: Adaptive Attention via A Visual Sentinel for Image Captioning"
Image Captioning
Image Captioning using InceptionV3 and beam search
Tensorflow implement of paper: A Hierarchical Approach for Generating Descriptive Image Paragraphs
captioning chainer
A fast implementation of Neural Image Caption by Chainer
A pytorch implemention of "StyleNet: Generating Attractive Visual Captions with Styles"
Official pytorch implementation of paper "Dual-Level Collaborative Transformer for Image Captioning" (AAAI 2021).
RSTNet: Captioning with Adaptive Attention on Visual and Non-Visual Words (CVPR 2021)
A curated list of Multimodal Captioning related research(including image captioning, video captioning, and text captioning)
A PyTorch implementation of the paper Show, Attend and Tell: Neural Image Caption Generation with Visual Attention
Pytorch Implementation of Knowing When to Look: Adaptive Attention via A Visual Sentinel for Image Captioning
Code for "Aligning Visual Regions and Textual Concepts for Semantic-Grounded Image Representations" (NeurIPS 2019)
The objective is to process by generating textual description from an image – based on the objects and actions in the image. Using generative models so that it creates novel sentences. Pipeline type models uses two separate learning process, one for language modelling and other for image recognition. It first identifies objects in image and prov…
PyTorch implementation of pix2code. 🔥
Show and Tell
Show and Tell : A Neural Image Caption Generator
A length-controllable and non-autoregressive image captioning model.
1-60 of 66 image-captioning projects