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Top 9 ipfs-blockchain open source projects

Zentanetwork is a forkless Proof of Stake consensus for communication and data storage.
FFF Protocol Core
FFF as a new generation of the underlying chain technology, applying power block chain of innovation and fall to the ground, will help the industry standard. FFF consensus mechanism: the application of a new work-proof mechanism, network contribution proof mechanism, refers to the contribution ability of servers, PC and other devices to improve …
Starlog: Metadata Blockchain based on Substrate
Electronic Health Record (EHR) and Electronic Medical Record (EMR) systems. However, they still face some issues regarding the security of medical records, user ownership of data, data integrity etc. The solution to these issues could be the use of a novel technology, i.e., Blockchain. This technology offers to provide a secure, temper-proof pl…
An example of usage IPFS in Ethereum Smart Contracts
⛵ The immutable, decentralized, statically built p2p VPN without any central server and automatic discovery! Create decentralized introspectable tunnels over p2p with shared tokens
【IPFS + 区块链 系列】 入门篇 - IPFS + Ethereum (下篇)-ipfs + Ethereum 大图片存储
1-9 of 9 ipfs-blockchain projects