ScalatraTiny Scala high-performance, async web framework, inspired by Sinatra
Jetty RunnerA plugin that allows you to run Jetty from IntelliJ
MockeyMockey is a tool for testing application interactions over http, with a focus on testing web services, specifically web or native applications that consume XML, JSON, and HTML. Mockey's purpose is to be a simple front end to writing mock-test-responses to the file system for persistence to git.
Tus Java ServerLibrary to receive tus v1.0.0 file uploads in a Java server environment
DropwizardA damn simple library for building production-ready RESTful web services.
UnfilteredA toolkit for servicing HTTP requests in Scala
JavalinA simple and modern Java and Kotlin web framework
Jetty.projectEclipse Jetty® - Web Container & Clients - supports HTTP/2, HTTP/1.1, HTTP/1.0, websocket, servlets, and more
JoinfacesJoinFaces: JSF Spring Boot Starters - JSF inside Spring Boot Application
kog🌶 A simple Kotlin web framework inspired by Clojure's Ring.
skinny-micro🎤 Micro Web framework to build Servlet applications in Scala, the core part of Skinny Framework 2
reactive-extensionSimple webfilter tracking extension based on Webflux, default use the Jetty container.
winstonePatched winstone used in Jenkins
HongsCOREHong's Common Object Requesting Engine
docker-jettyFormerly the location of the Docker official image for Jetty
grettyAdvanced gradle plugin for running web-apps on jetty and tomcat.