Waterwheel.jsA generic JavaScript helper library to query and manipulate Drupal 8 via core REST and JSON API
Jsonapi RbEfficiently produce and consume JSON API documents.
Jsonapi UtilsBuild JSON API-compliant APIs on Rails with no (or less) learning curve.
Json ApiImplementation of JSON API in PHP 7
CoreThe server component of API Platform: hypermedia and GraphQL APIs in minutes
ColoquentJavascript/Typescript library mapping objects and their interrelations to JSON API, with a clean, fluent ActiveRecord-like (e.g. similar to Laravel's Eloquent) syntax for creating, retrieving, updating and deleting model objects.
JsonaData formatter that creates simplified objects from JSON or stored reduxObject, creates JSON from the same simplified objects (in according with JSON API specification)
Jsonapi VuexUse a JSONAPI api with a Vuex store, with data restructuring/normalization.
Jsonapi.rbLightweight, simple and maintained JSON:API support for your next Ruby HTTP API.
Jsonapi RustRust library for serialization, deserialization and working with JSON-API data
Ngx JsonapiJSON API client library for Angular 5+ 👌 :: Production Ready 🚀
Mir IonWIP, use libmir/asdf package for now
Jsonapi ReactA minimal JSON:API client and React hooks for fetching, updating, and caching remote data.
Jsonapi[Bolt Extension] JSON API for Bolt CMS
ArgoJSON API (jsonapi.org) implementation for Clojure
Api2goJSONAPI.org Implementation for Go
Redux Json ApiRedux actions, action creators and reducers to make life with JSON APIs a breeze.
ReservoirA back end for your front end: a content repository. Powered by Drupal 8, JSON API and OAuth2.
mu-cl-resourcesHigh-level abstractions for generating generic jsonapi compliant resources configured in Common Lisp.
VoxSwift JSON:API client framework
json-api-docJSON API parser returning a simple Python dictionary
kurierTypeScript framework to create JSON:API compliant APIs
json-api-serializerNode.js/browser framework agnostic JSON API (http://jsonapi.org/) serializer.
json-serverCreate a dummy REST API from a json file with zero coding in seconds
market place api 6Code example of API on Rails 6 book https://github.com/madeindjs/api_on_rails
FSharp.JsonApiUse F# to create and consume flexible, strongly typed web APIs following the JSON:API specification
fireAn idiomatic micro-framework for building Ember.js compatible APIs with Go.
php-serializerSerialize PHP variables, including objects, in any format. Support to unserialize it too.