Top 109 jupyterlab open source projects

Jupyterlab voyager
JupyterLab extension visualize data with Voyager
Interactive JavaScript and TypeScript programming with Jupyter
declarative and reproducible Jupyter environments - powered by Nix
A web frontend for scheduling Jupyter notebook reports
Best Of Jupyter
🏆 A ranked list of awesome Jupyter Notebook, Hub and Lab projects (extensions, kernels, tools). Updated weekly.
Awesome Jupyterlab Extension
😎 A curated list of awesome Jupyterlab extension projects. 🌠 Detailed introduction with images.
🍇 Edit and execute code snippets in the browser using Jupyter kernels
Jupyterlab app
A desktop application for JupyterLab, based on Electron.
Jupyterlab Hub
Deprecated: JupyterLab extension for running JupyterLab with JupyterHub
Jupyterlab Go To Definition
Navigate to variable's definition with a click in JupyterLab (or with a few key strokes)
Extension Examples
JupyterLab Extensions by Examples
Jupyter bokeh
An extension for rendering Bokeh content in JupyterLab notebooks
Jupyterlab System Monitor
JupyterLab extension to display system metrics
Awesome Jupyterlab
A curated list of awesome JupyterLab extensions and resources
SQLCell is a magic function for the Jupyter Notebook that executes raw, parallel, parameterized SQL queries with the ability to accept Python values as parameters and assign output data to Python variables while concurrently running Python code. And *much* more.
Jupyterlab Demo
Demonstrations of JupyterLab
Jupyterlab Spreadsheet
JupyterLab plugin for viewing spreadsheets, such as Excel .xls/.xlsx workbooks and OpenOffice .ods files
Jupyterlab Tabular Data Editor
Manipulate your tabular data responsively and effectively within JupyterLab.
Jupyterlab Configuration
Containerized and Script-controlled JupyterLab Project Environment
Jupyterlab Gitplus
JupyterLab extension to create GitHub commits & pull requests
Jupyterlab Python Bytecode
JupyterLab extension to explore CPython Bytecode
Python Training
Python training for business analysts and traders
Jupyterlab Vim
Vim notebook cell bindings for JupyterLab
Jupyterlab Git
A Git extension for JupyterLab
Jupyterlab Lsp
Coding assistance for JupyterLab (code navigation + hover suggestions + linters + autocompletion + rename) using Language Server Protocol
Jupyterlab Variableinspector
Variable Inspector extension for Jupyterlab
Jupyterlab Toc
Table of Contents extension for JupyterLab
bamboolib - a GUI for pandas DataFrames
A visual debugger for Jupyter notebooks, consoles, and source files
The open and extensible integrated development environment (IDE) for computer vision with built-in modules for model building, automated labeling, data processing, model training, hyperparameter tuning and workflow orchestration.
Interactive Canvas in Jupyter
Jupyter Renderers
Renderers and renderer extensions for JupyterLab
Jupyterlab Latex
JupyterLab extension for live editing of LaTeX documents
Jupyterlab Dash
An Extension for the Interactive development of Dash apps in JupyterLab
Jupyterlab Google Drive
Cloud storage for JupyterLab using Google Drive
An example of running JupyterLab on Heroku, with Amazon S3.
Control JupyterLab from Python Notebooks with Jupyter Widgets 🧪 ☢️ 🐍
1-60 of 109 jupyterlab projects