SeekerAccurately Locate Smartphones using Social Engineering
Open Location CodeOpen Location Code is a library to generate short codes, called "plus codes", that can be used as digital addresses where street addresses don't exist.
Solar-CalculatorCalculates the sunrise and sunset for a given date and location (using GEO coordinates). This library uses the method outlined NOAA Solar Calculations Day spreadsheet found at
Vincenty-ExcelThaddeus Vincenty's Direct and Inverse formulae for geodesic calculations in Excel (distance, azimuth, latitude, longitude).
geolocation-php-apiThis Geolocation PHP class connects to Google Maps API to find latitude/longitude or the address.
laravel-geolyPerform fast and efficient radius searches on your Laravel Eloquent models.
PHPCoordPHPCoord is a PHP library to aid in handling coordinates. It can convert coordinates for a point from one system to another and also calculate distance between points
PositionalAn elegant and colorful location information app for Android with Compass, Clock, Level, Sun, Moon, Trail Marker and many other features.
haversine-jsJavaScript implementation of the Haversine formula
TrilaterationTrilateration system using 3 latitude and longitude points, and 3 radius distances in PHP, C#, Java and Javascript
llttzThe easy way to get java TimeZone from latitude/longitude
go-satelliteCalculate orbital information of satellites in GoLang.
geodesy-phpGeodesy PHP - Port of some known geodesic/math functions for getting distance from a known point A to a known point B given their coordinates. It also supports conversion between units of length, Polar position to Cartesian coordinates, and different Reference Datums.
cttctt postal codes into MySQL with latitude and longitude from google