DeepchemDemocratizing Deep-Learning for Drug Discovery, Quantum Chemistry, Materials Science and Biology
amsetElectronic transport properties from first-principles calculations
pfhubThe CHiMaD Phase Field Community Website
olympusOlympus: a benchmarking framework for noisy optimization and experiment planning
aiida-vaspA plugin to AiiDA for running simulations with VASP
snapRepository for spectral neighbor analysis potential (SNAP) model development.
lamipyComposite laminates engineering simulations in Python.
RHEOS.jlRHEOS - Open Source Rheology data analysis software
pytopomatPython Topological Materials (pytopomat) is a code for easy, high-throughput analysis of topological materials.
matador⚗️ matador is an aggregator, manipulator and runner of first-principles calculations, written with a bent towards battery 🔋 electrode materials.
chemiscopeAn interactive structure/property explorer for materials and molecules
pyGAPSA framework for processing adsorption data and isotherm fitting
mamlPython for Materials Machine Learning, Materials Descriptors, Machine Learning Force Fields, Deep Learning, etc.
CatKitGeneral purpose tools for high-throughput catalysis
uf3UF3: a python library for generating ultra-fast interatomic potentials
atomaiDeep and Machine Learning for Microscopy
thermo pwThermo_pw is a driver of quantum-ESPRESSO routines for the automatic computation of ab-initio material properties.
tdmmsTwo-dimensional materials manufacturing system
phoebeA high-performance framework for solving phonon and electron Boltzmann equations
CrabNetPredict materials properties using only the composition information!
pymicroA Python package to work with material microstructures and 3d data sets
ONCVPseudoPackCollection of ONCVPSP pseudopotentials for density-functional theory calculations
tildeMaterials informatics framework for ab initio data repositories
SMACTPython package to aid materials design
ai4materialsDeep learning for crystal-structure recognition and analysis of atomic structures
hipercHigh Performance Computing Strategies for Boundary Value Problems
nequipNequIP is a code for building E(3)-equivariant interatomic potentials
DMFTwDFTDMFTwDFT: An open-source code combining Dynamical Mean Field Theory with various Density Functional Theory packages
MolDQN-pytorchA PyTorch Implementation of "Optimization of Molecules via Deep Reinforcement Learning".
masci-toolsTools, utility, parsers useful in daily material science work
ESPEIFitting thermodynamic models with pycalphad -
OpenMaterial3D model exchange format with physical material properties for virtual development, test and validation of automated driving.
atomate2atomate2 is a library of computational materials science workflows