Top 777 mobile open source projects

Modular MVVM framework for fast creating powerful cross-platform applications with Xamarin.
Mobile Detect
Extension for detecting mobile devices, managing mobile view types, redirect to mobile version for Nette Framework (2.4+)
Flutter Client
Invoice Ninja client built with Flutter
kubenav is the navigator for your Kubernetes clusters right in your pocket.
Vue Wheel Scroll Datepikcer
mobile date picker like ios scroll
Experimental Mobile Blazor Bindings - Build native and hybrid mobile apps with Blazor
RSA public/private key encryption in Swift
A visual memory training game, a mobile game made with Xamarin for both Android and IOS .
Flutter representation of a Restaurant app UI.
A Python connector for Amplitude Analytics
Realm Core
Core database component for the Realm Mobile Database SDKs
Mobile Select
手机移动端选择组件 支持是否级联/单选到多选/可异步更新数据等..
Elide is a Java library that lets you stand up a GraphQL/JSON-API web service with minimal effort.
Verify code input view. Support security type for password.短信验证码输入框,支持密文模式
Qr Filetransfer
Transfer files over WiFi between your computer and your smartphone from the terminal
Embeddinator 4000
Tools to turn .NET libraries into native libraries that can be consumed on Android, iOS, Mac, Linux and other platforms.
Most modern mobile touch slider with hardware accelerated transitions
Framework7 Vue
Deprecated! Build full featured iOS & Android apps using Framework7 & Vue
ROS packages for Turtlebot3
Frida Scripts
A collection of my instrumentation scripts to facilitate reverse engineering of mobile apps.
A light-weight, responsive, mobile-like navigation menu plugin
Paddle Lite
Multi-platform high performance deep learning inference engine (『飞桨』多平台高性能深度学习预测引擎)
Processing Android
Processing mode and core library to create Android apps with Processing
Lunar Unity Console
High-performance Unity iOS/Android logger built with native platform UI
JavaFX Material Design Library
Mapbox Android Demo
Google Play demo app for the Mapbox Maps SDK for Android
Cordova Plugin Wkwebview Engine
[DEPRECATED] Apache Cordova wkwebview engine plugin
Electrode Native
A platform to ease integration&delivery of React Native apps in existing mobile applications
Cordova Js
Apache Cordova JavaScript Bridge
Countly Sdk Ios
Countly Product Analytics iOS SDK with macOS, watchOS and tvOS support.
Flutter starter kit
A starter kit for beginner learns with Bloc pattern, RxDart, sqflite, Fluro and Dio to architect a flutter project. This starter kit build an App Store app as a example
Immuni App Ios
Official repository for the iOS version of the immuni application
Incubator Weex Ui
🏄 A rich interaction, lightweight, high performance UI library based on Weex.
With a given country and phone number, validate and reformat the mobile phone number to the E.164 standard. The purpose of this is to allow us to send SMS to mobile phones only.
🔎 Monitor deep learning model training and hardware usage from your mobile phone 📱
📱 Put device frames around your mobile/web/progressive app screenshots.
App Icon
Icon management for Mobile Apps. Create icons, generate all required sizes, label and annotate. Supports Native, Cordova, React Native, Xamarin and more. Inspired by cordova-icon.
轻量的移动端 H5 翻页库
A super simple carousel view with scaling transitions written in Swift
Flutter Ui Kits
Free Flutter UI Kits developed by Olayemi Garuba
Flutter Shopping Ui Kit
I developed this application just for learning purpose. There are over 20 screen variations.
React Fastclick
Fast Touch Events for React
📱 使用 Vue.js 跨平台开发高质量原生(Android/iOS)应用。
Simple and customizable button in Swift