Top 65 mockito open source projects

Mockito Kotlin
Using Mockito with Kotlin
Mastering Junit5
A comprehensive collection of test examples created with JUnit 5
A mock library for Dart inspired by mockito
New Android Architecture showing how to use Dagger Android libs with MVVM
Refactoring Android App Series Overview
Overview of wonderful series started by Oday and Rakesh for refactoring android application under youtube channel Dry Code.
Kotlin Unit Testing Examples
Boilerplate-free mocking framework for Swift!
Ribot Android Boilerplate Kotlin
Kotlin version of android boilerplate app that showcases architecture and libraries used at ribot
Mockito Java8
Mockito add-ons leveraging Java 8 and lambda expressions to make mocking even more compact
An aggregated newspaper app containing news from 10+ local news publishers in Hong Kong. Made with ❤
Android App Architecture Mvvm Databinding
A simple but complete project (in both Java & Kotlin) to demonstrate the Android application architecture with MVVM pattern, a client app for The Movie DB Web API. Dagger2 is used for dependency injection and RxJava is used for RFP (Reactive Functional Programming).
A JUnit rule to easily override Dagger 2 objects
Android tmdb clean architecture
Showcase of clean architecture concepts along with Continuous Integration and Development for modular Android applications. Includes test suits (functional and unit tests) along with code coverage.
Demo project on How to be a Mockstar using Mockito and MockWebServer.
Mockito for Objective-C: creation, verification and stubbing of mock objects
Ts Mockito
Mocking library for TypeScript
Kotlin Android Starter
[Kotlin Android] Kotlin Android starter based MVP/Dagger2/RxJava2/Robolectric/Espresso/Mockito. It provides a generator to fast create a Kotlin Android project.
Android Starter
[Android Architecture] Android starter based on MVP/Dagger2/RxJava2/Robolectric/Espresso/Mockito. It provides a generator to fast create a Android template project.
Android开发中必要的一环---单元测试(Unit Test)
Implemented using Clean Arch, MVVM, LiveData, Room, Koin, Coil, Service, Notification and ExoPlayer
A convenient mocking framework for Swift
TvFlix android app using Dagger Hilt, Coroutines, Flow, KTX, Jetpack(Room, ViewModel, Paging3, Lifecycle) based on MVVM architecture purely written in Kotlin
🧩 웹 페이지 어디든 간편하게 추가하는 댓글 모듈 서비스 "다라쓰"
Now: RxJava Playground, Previous: Demo for the talk at DroidconIN 2016, Droidcon Boston 2017 and Codelab for GDG January Meetup
Android unit testing example 全面的android应用单元测试方法及案例
Android TV App powered by TMDb. It is a easy way to find the best TV content, the top movies, series... all of that in your TV.
Sample Material-design Android weather application build with MVP architectural approach using Dagger2, RxJava2, Retrofit2, Event-Bus, GreenDao, Butterknife, Lottie etc.
GuildWars2 APIViewer
Guild Wars 2 API Viewer: An Android application used for viewing various Guild Wars 2 API endpoint responses. Developed utilizing MVVM architecture, in conjunction with Databinding, Dagger 2, Retrofit 2, and RxJava 2.
Generate unit testing boilerplate from kotlin files.
Show case for how to use junit 5 and mockito 2 for unit testing and integration test in spring boot 2
alternative spring mocking infrastructure
1-60 of 65 mockito projects