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Top 38 modularization open source projects

Open-source app to manage your tasks quickly and easily
Web Dev Tools Android
Sample Android Application - MVVM, Clean Architecture, Modularization, Repository Pattern
Android Router
An android componentization protocol framework, used for decoupling complex project. Android高性能轻量级路由框架
Efficiency improvement for iOS&Android modular development.
Ios Modular Architecture
Template iOS application using Modular Architecture
Android Kotlin Mvi Cleanarchitecture
Android + Kotlin + Modularization + Gradle Depedency managment + Gradle written in Kotlin DSL + Custom Gradle Plugin + MVVM + MVI + Clean Architecture + Repository Pattern + Coroutines + Flows + Koin + Retrofit2 + ROOM + Kotlin-Android-Extension + KtLints
Andromeda simplifies local/remote communication for Android modularization
Phalcon + Swoole
Tea is a humanized programming language. Code less, Express more.
decoupling between modules in your iOS Project. iOS模块化过程中模块间解耦方案
🏘 🎃 Real Estate Sample App with RxJava3+Coroutines Flow, Dynamic Feature Modules, Dagger Hilt, Offline First, ConcatAdapter, Animations and tests for Room, Retrofit, useCase and ViewModels with TDD.
Android Multi-module navigator, trying to find a way to navigate into a modularized android project
🎬 MovieApp is a Flutter application built to demonstrate the use of modern development tools with best practices implementation like Modularization, BLoC, Dependency Injection, Dynamic Theme, Cache, Shimmer, Testing, Flavor, CI/CD, etc.
Stocker is a currency monitoring app. It offers instant currency rates of banks.
Modularized wan android
用玩Android学习android - 组件化 - and more.. (Retrofit + MVP + 组件化的玩Android)
AppInit 是一款 Android 应用初始化框架,基于组件化的设计思路,功能灵活,使用简单。
Android 模块化示例项目
Kotlin Modular Tdd Coroutines Mvvm
A sample Kotlin app which was built with modular structure, Kotlin DSL, Kotlin Coroutines, TDD and MVVM patterns.
An iOS application to test out Spotify API. It uses SwiftUI and Combine.
🌵Implementation of Modularization on Architecture Pattern
flutter modularization
[Flutter SDK V.2] - This repo will introduce you how to mastering your app with implementation Flutter Modularization in several ways
Android TV App powered by TMDb. It is a easy way to find the best TV content, the top movies, series... all of that in your TV.
waylan android
A dictionary concept for Android ~ Making words and their meanings available through a natural and beautiful experience
FunFacts is an example of Modular architecture
A iOS application with layout based on App Store that can check the most starred and last updated Swift repository
Portable automation meta-framework to manage, describe, connect and reuse any artifacts, scripts, tools and workflows on any platform with any software and hardware in a non-intrusive way and with minimal effort. Try it using this tutorial to modularize and automate ML Systems benchmarking from the Student Cluster Competition at SC'22:
Android Kick Start Project Template Framework FrogoBox || Admob, MVVM Archictecture || Clean Architecture Modularization
1-38 of 38 modularization projects