Top 374 mongoose open source projects

A Crash Course On Serverless Auth
A short and easy boilerplate showcasing JWT auth with Nodejs, the Serverless framework, MongoDB and AWS Lambda.
Koa Vue Fullstack
A lightweight boilerplate for a universal webapp based on koa, mongodb, node, vue, and webpack
Nest Cnode
CNode 社区 Nest 版本
REST API generator with Node.js, Express and Mongoose
Isomorphic Redux Cnode
React Chat Api
📡 API for chat application for DogeCodes React course
Graphql Nodejs Hapi Api
How to set-up a powerful API with Nodejs, GraphQL, MongoDB, Hapi, and Swagger
Intro Mongo Db
[Course] Introduction to MongoDB code
Mern Boilerplate
Fullstack boilerplate with React, Redux, Express, Mongoose, Passport Local, JWT, Facebook and Google OAuth out of the box.
Angular Cms
An flexiable, extendable, modular, single CMS app based on Angular, Express, MongoDB
Restify Mongoose
Restify-Mongoose provides a resource abstraction to expose mongoose models as REST resources.
Mongodb Memory Server
Spinning up mongod in memory for fast tests. If you run tests in parallel this lib helps to spin up dedicated mongodb servers for every test file in MacOS, *nix, Windows or CI environments (in most cases with zero-config).
个人博客,技术栈:NodeJS + Express + mongoose + GraphQL + Vue 全家桶
A Real Time Chat Application built using Node.js, Express, Mongoose,, Passport, & Redis.
Nodejs Backend Architecture Typescript
Node.js Backend Architecture Typescript - Learn to build a backend server for Blogging platform like Medium, FreeCodeCamp, MindOrks, AfterAcademy - Learn to write unit and integration tests - Learn to use Docker image - Open-Source Project By AfterAcademy
Mongoose Patch History
Mongoose plugin that saves a history of JSON patch operations for all documents belonging to a schema in an associated 'patches' collection
Typegoose - Define Mongoose models using TypeScript classes.
Node Express Mongoose
A boilerplate application for building web apps using node and mongodb
Typegoose - Define Mongoose models using TypeScript classes.
API Oficial do Te Emprego
Node Blog
🔥✨ A react blog project base on nodejs, nestjs, mongoose, typescript, react, ant-design,nextjs
Mongoose Update If Current
Optimistic concurrency (OCC) plugin for mongoose.
Mobx Isomorphic Starter
Clean isomorphic starter-kit using Mobx + React + React-router + Webpack
Mongoose Fill
Virtual async fileds for mongoose.js
Node React Ecommerce
Build ECommerce Website Like Amazon By React & Node & MongoDB
Vue Element Responsive Demo
基于 Vue + Element 的响应式后台模板
Cdfang Spider
📊 成都房协网数据分析,喜欢请点 star!
In-memory MongoDB Server. Ideal for testing.
Mongoose Transactions
Atomicity and Transactions for mongoose.
Graphql Advanced Projection
Fully customizable Mongoose/MongoDB projection generator.
Mongoose Tsgen
A plug-n-play Typescript interface generator for Mongoose.
A social media platform with a friend recommendation engine based on personality trait extraction
Es6 Express Mongoose Passport Rest Api
Lightweight boilerplate for Node RESTful API, ES6, Express, Mongoose and Passport 🎁
A blog backend server based on koa + mongoose.
Computerized Maintenance Management System
Checksheet Manager
Checksheet Manager for college checksheets. Created with AngularJS and Node/Express/MongoDB.
Jwt Node Vue
Repositório responsável pelo primeiro projeto da série de vídeos: Coding Stuff.
A blog system based on Nuxt.js
Timeline Vue
💌基于 Vue -> Koa2 -> Mongoose 的留言时间轴,记录美好时光。
61-120 of 374 mongoose projects