Stock Prediction ModelsGathers machine learning and deep learning models for Stock forecasting including trading bots and simulations
MonteCarlo.jlClassical and quantum Monte Carlo simulations in Julia
warpcontinuous energy monte carlo neutron transport in general geometries on GPUs
UQpyUQpy (Uncertainty Quantification with python) is a general purpose Python toolbox for modeling uncertainty in physical and mathematical systems.
vegasflowVegasFlow: accelerating Monte Carlo simulation across multiple hardware platforms
neworderA dynamic microsimulation framework for python
Mathematical-ModelingA sharing of the learning process of mathematical modeling 数学建模常用工具模型算法分享:数学建模竞赛优秀论文,数学建模常用算法模型,LaTeX论文模板,SPSS工具分享。
grandA Python module for carrying out GCMC insertions and deletions of water molecules in OpenMM.
tiny-pathAn instructive one-file Ruby path tracer
BirchA probabilistic programming language that combines automatic differentiation, automatic marginalization, and automatic conditioning within Monte Carlo methods.
GOMCGOMC - GPU Optimized Monte Carlo is a parallel molecular simulation code designed for high-performance simulation of large systems
pmh-tutorialSource code and data for the tutorial: "Getting started with particle Metropolis-Hastings for inference in nonlinear models"
mcxMonte Carlo eXtreme (MCX) - GPU-accelerated photon transport simulator
l2hmc-qcdApplication of the L2HMC algorithm to simulations in lattice QCD.
SpinMC.jlClassical Monte Carlo simulations for lattice spin systems
ProjectRewardA software to shortlist and find the best options spread available for a given stock and help it visualise using payoff graphs.
pyljTeaching Utility for Classical Atomistic Simulation.
cmna-pkgComputational Methods for Numerical Analysis
LatticeQCD.jlA native Julia code for lattice QCD with dynamical fermions in 4 dimension.
PROJ Option Pricing MatlabQuant Option Pricing - Exotic/Vanilla: Barrier, Asian, European, American, Parisian, Lookback, Cliquet, Variance Swap, Swing, Forward Starting, Step, Fader
SpinMonteCarlo.jlMarkov chain Monte Carlo solver for lattice spin systems implemented by Julialang
optionmatrixFinancial Derivatives Calculator with 168+ Models (Options Calculator)
mcrtMonte Carlo Raytracer from Scratch in C++11/14
marburgphysics meets neural networks
mcts🌳 Domain independent implementation of Monte Carlo Tree Search methods.
ValoMCMonte Carlo software for simulating light propagation
admcInfinite order automatic differentiation for Monte Carlo with unnormalized probability distribution
ase explorationPlanning for robotic exploration based on forward simulation
mcxclMonte Carlo eXtreme for OpenCL (MCXCL)