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Top 22 navigation-component open source projects

A simple app to hit the NY Times Most Popular Articles API and show a list of articles, that shows details when items on the list are tapped (a typical master/detail app), also user able to browse/ add articles to favorite list that implements MVVM architecture using Dagger2, Retrofit, Coroutines, LiveData, RoomDatabase, Database Debugging, Data…
提供流畅的 Jetpack Navigation 转场体验。并解决 GitHub 上 Navigation Add Hide 修改版普遍存在的致命缺陷。
The Rick And Morty - MVVM with a clean architecture approach using some of the best practices in Android Development.
Sailer is an Android Sample That shows the use of Coordinator pattern for navigation through Multi Module, Dagger, Navigation Component and much more.
📰Modern MVVM Android application following single activity architecture which fetches news from 🕷️ news API. this repository contains some best practices ⚡ of android development
Book selling application with MVVM (Model, View, ViewModel), LiveData, DataBinding, Retrofit, Room Database, Navigation Component(NavGraph, BottomNav), ViewPager2 in TabLayout, SearchView, Vertical Adapter(BestSellers) and Horizontal Adapter(All Books) with ConcatAdapter for Main Screen, Firebase Auth, SearchView in Adapter, Picasso, Lottie, Ani…
A playground android app, showcasing the latest technologies and architectures using the Movie Database APIs.
Boilerplate code for basic architecture of an android application following MVVM pattern using hilt, RxJava2.
1-22 of 22 navigation-component projects