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Top 4 one-click-deploy open source projects

Serverless eCommerce demo store built for the Jamstack. Built with Commerce.js, Next.js and can be one click deployed to Vercel. Includes product catalogue, categories, variants, cart, checkout, order confirmation and printable receipts. This is an open source project.
🍄 Craft 3, ready for continuous deployment to Heroku.
一鍵安裝部署高可用的多kubernetes集羣(二進位離線方式),支持定時安裝、添加與銷毀node、銷毀與修復master、一鍵卸載集羣等。One click offline installation of highly available multiple kubernetes cluster, supports schedule installation, addition of nodes, rebuild of kubernetes master, and uninstallation of clusters.
1-4 of 4 one-click-deploy projects