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Top 124 openai-gym open source projects

Ma Gym
A collection of multi agent environments based on OpenAI gym.
A3c continuous
A continuous action space version of A3C LSTM in pytorch plus A3G design
Ns3 Gym
ns3-gym - The Playground for Reinforcement Learning in Networking Research
Deep Reinforcement Learning Gym
Deep reinforcement learning model implementation in Tensorflow + OpenAI gym
Hands On Intelligent Agents With Openai Gym
Code for Hands On Intelligent Agents with OpenAI Gym book to get started and learn to build deep reinforcement learning agents using PyTorch
Tensorflow Rl
Implementations of deep RL papers and random experimentation
Gym Fx
Forex trading simulator environment for OpenAI Gym, observations contain the order status, performance and timeseries loaded from a CSV file containing rates and indicators. Work In Progress
🃏 OpenAI Gym No Limit Texas Hold 'em Environment for Reinforcement Learning
Train robotic agents to learn pick and place with deep learning for vision-based manipulation in PyBullet. Transporter Nets, CoRL 2020.
Reinforcement learning
Implementation of selected reinforcement learning algorithms in Tensorflow. A3C, DDPG, REINFORCE, DQN, etc.
Drqn Tensorflow
Deep recurrent Q Learning using Tensorflow, openai/gym and openai/retro
Reinforcementlearning Atarigame
Pytorch LSTM RNN for reinforcement learning to play Atari games from OpenAI Universe. We also use Google Deep Mind's Asynchronous Advantage Actor-Critic (A3C) Algorithm. This is much superior and efficient than DQN and obsoletes it. Can play on many games
Hierarchical Actor Critic Hac Pytorch
PyTorch implementation of Hierarchical Actor Critic (HAC) for OpenAI gym environments
Stable Baselines
Mirror of Stable-Baselines: a fork of OpenAI Baselines, implementations of reinforcement learning algorithms
Ctc Executioner
Master Thesis: Limit order placement with Reinforcement Learning
Gym Ignition
Framework for developing OpenAI Gym robotics environments simulated with Ignition Gazebo
Gym Electric Motor
Gym Electric Motor (GEM): An OpenAI Gym Environment for Electric Motors
Cs234 Reinforcement Learning Winter 2019
My Solutions of Assignments of CS234: Reinforcement Learning Winter 2019
Nes Py
A Python3 NES emulator and OpenAI Gym interface
OpenAI Gym wrapper for the DeepMind Control Suite
Noreward Rl
[ICML 2017] TensorFlow code for Curiosity-driven Exploration for Deep Reinforcement Learning
A bare-bones Python library for quality diversity optimization.
Bullet Gym
Experimental (stable, go here: repository of OpenAI Gym environments implemented with Bullet Physics using pybullet.
Gym Minigrid
Minimalistic gridworld package for OpenAI Gym
Async Deeprl
Playing Atari games with TensorFlow implementation of Asynchronous Deep Q-Learning
Deterministic Gail Pytorch
PyTorch implementation of Deterministic Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning (GAIL) for Off Policy learning
Gym Gridworlds
Gridworld environments for OpenAI gym.
Gym Gridworld
Simple grid-world environment compatible with OpenAI-gym
Reinforcement Learning / AI Bots in Card (Poker) Games - Blackjack, Leduc, Texas, DouDizhu, Mahjong, UNO.
Model Free Episodic Control
This is the implementation of paper Model Free Episodic Control
Gym Dart
OpenAI Gym environments using DART
Rl Baselines Zoo
A collection of 100+ pre-trained RL agents using Stable Baselines, training and hyperparameter optimization included.
Rex Gym
OpenAI Gym environments for an open-source quadruped robot (SpotMicro)
Super Mario Bros Ppo Pytorch
Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) algorithm for Super Mario Bros
Gym Anytrading
The most simple, flexible, and comprehensive OpenAI Gym trading environment (Approved by OpenAI Gym)
Pybullet Gym
Open-source implementations of OpenAI Gym MuJoCo environments for use with the OpenAI Gym Reinforcement Learning Research Platform.
Deep Reinforcement Learning For Automated Stock Trading Ensemble Strategy Icaif 2020
Deep Reinforcement Learning for Automated Stock Trading: An Ensemble Strategy. ICAIF 2020. Please star.
Gym Starcraft
StarCraft environment for OpenAI Gym, based on Facebook's TorchCraft. (In progress)
BabyAI platform. A testbed for training agents to understand and execute language commands.
Rl Book
Source codes for the book "Reinforcement Learning: Theory and Python Implementation"
Rl Portfolio Management
Attempting to replicate "A Deep Reinforcement Learning Framework for the Financial Portfolio Management Problem" (and an openai gym environment)
Spot mini mini
Dynamics and Domain Randomized Gait Modulation with Bezier Curves for Sim-to-Real Legged Locomotion.
Tensorflow Tutorial Samples
TensorFlow2教程 TensorFlow 2.0 Tutorial 入门教程实战案例
Gym Duckietown
Self-driving car simulator for the Duckietown universe
Home Platform
HoME: a Household Multimodal Environment is a platform for artificial agents to learn from vision, audio, semantics, physics, and interaction with objects and other agents, all within a realistic context.
1-60 of 124 openai-gym projects