AmadeusHarmonious distributed data analysis in Rust.
RajaRAJA Performance Portability Layer (C++)
Feelpp💎 Feel++: Finite Element Embedded Language and Library in C++
NwchemNWChem: Open Source High-Performance Computational Chemistry
DispyDistributed and Parallel Computing Framework with / for Python
GipumaMassively Parallel Multiview Stereopsis by Surface Normal Diffusion
OpentimerA High-performance Timing Analysis Tool for VLSI Systems
JoblibComputing with Python functions.
BohriumAutomatic parallelization of Python/NumPy, C, and C++ codes on Linux and MacOSX
SundialsSUNDIALS is a SUite of Nonlinear and DIfferential/ALgebraic equation Solvers. This is a mirror of current releases, and development will move here eventually. Pull requests are welcome for bug fixes and minor changes.
HyperactiveA hyperparameter optimization and data collection toolbox for convenient and fast prototyping of machine-learning models.
FastA framework for GPU based high-performance medical image processing and visualization
DkerasDistributed Keras Engine, Make Keras faster with only one line of code.
DolfinxNext generation FEniCS problem solving environment
Ngsolve Netgen/NGSolve is a high performance multiphysics finite element software. It is widely used to analyze models from solid mechanics, fluid dynamics and electromagnetics. Due to its flexible Python interface new physical equations and solution algorithms can be implemented easily.
KlyngA message-passing distributed computing framework for node.js
BigmachineBigmachine is a library for self-managing serverless computing in Go
SamraiStructured Adaptive Mesh Refinement Application Infrastructure - a scalable C++ framework for block-structured AMR application development
Future.apply🚀 R package: future.apply - Apply Function to Elements in Parallel using Futures
GeniA Clojure dataframe library that runs on Spark
EmbbEmbedded Multicore Building Blocks (EMB²): Library for parallel programming of embedded systems. Star us on GitHub? +1
OpencoarraysA parallel application binary interface for Fortran 2018 compilers.
PyexpoolPython Multi-Process Execution Pool: concurrent asynchronous execution pool with custom resource constraints (memory, timeouts, affinity, CPU cores and caching), load balancing and profiling capabilities of the external apps on NUMA architecture
Pygmo2A Python platform to perform parallel computations of optimisation tasks (global and local) via the asynchronous generalized island model.
PlasmaPlasma Programming Language
DashDASH, the C++ Template Library for Distributed Data Structures with Support for Hierarchical Locality for HPC and Data-Driven Science
SwifterA package which efficiently applies any function to a pandas dataframe or series in the fastest available manner
Coreparallel finite element unstructured meshes
DtcraftA High-performance Cluster Computing Engine
OnemkloneAPI Math Kernel Library (oneMKL) Interfaces
ReadingA list of computer-science readings I recommend
Pyhpc BenchmarksA suite of benchmarks to test the sequential CPU and GPU performance of most popular high-performance libraries for Python.
ParapetA purely functional library to build distributed and event-driven systems
Pp4fpgas Cn HlsHLS Project of pp4fpgas -
CharmThe Charm++ parallel programming system. Visit for more information.
Biglassobiglasso: Extending Lasso Model Fitting to Big Data in R
QuinoaAdaptive computational fluid dynamics
ParallelThis project now lives on in a rewrite at
ParenchymaAn extensible HPC framework for CUDA, OpenCL and native CPU.
ParallellyR package: parallelly - Enhancing the 'parallel' Package
Lsf Python ApiLocation for the LSF Python wrapper for controlling all things LSF
P4pdesC and Python examples from my book on using PETSc to solve PDEs
PelagiaAutomatic parallelization (lock-free multithreading thread) tool developed by Surparallel Open Source.Pelagia is embedded key value database that implements a small, fast, high-reliability on ANSI C.
PwrakeParallel Workflow extension for Rake, runs on multicores, clusters, clouds.
QuesoQUESO is a C++ library for doing uncertainty quantification. QUESO stands for Quantification of Uncertainty for Estimation, Simulation and Optimization.
GeatpyEvolutionary algorithm toolbox and framework with high performance for Python