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Top 362 protobuf open source projects

Api Common Protos
A standard library for use in specifying protocol buffer APIs.
✭ 127
Generates F# code from protobuf schema for binary and json format
Server Side Extension
A Qlik server-side extension protocol for extending the Qlik built-in expression library with functionality from external calculation engines.
Rust Protobuf
Rust implementation of Google protocol buffers
Binding Protobuf 3 to Lua 5.3
Blade Build
Blade is a powerful build system from Tencent, supports many mainstream programming languages, such as C/C++, java, scala, python, protobuf...
a command-line Protobuf parser with Kafka support and JSON output
Rules closure
Closure rules for Bazel
Protoc Gen Doc
Documentation generator plugin for Google Protocol Buffers
Golang RPC starter kit with Twirp
Stream encryption & decryption with libsodium and protobuf
Protoc Gen Map
SQL Data mapper framework for grpc/protobuf
Protoc Gen Go Json
Protobuf compiler plugin to generate Go JSON Marshal/Unmarshal implementations for messages using jsonpb.
Kotlin Code Generator and Runtime for Protocol Buffers
PHP port of Twitch's Twirp RPC framework
transforming your .proto files into .dot files (and .svg, .png if you happen to have graphviz installed)
Benchmark Grpc Protobuf Vs Http Json
Benchmarks comparing gRPC+Protobuf vs JSON+HTTP in Go
The Ultimate Workshop Track for #golang Developer
Protoc Gen Struct Transformer
Transformation functions generator for Protocol Buffers.
proxy to transparently merge graphite carbon backends
PROST! a Protocol Buffers implementation for the Rust Language
✭ 1,396
Protoc Jar
Protocol Buffers protobuf compiler - multi-platform executable protoc JAR and API
Orion is a small lightweight framework written around grpc/protobuf with the aim to shorten time to build microservices at Carousell.
A local reactive cache for Java and Android. Now, it supports heap memory、off-heap memory and disk cache.
Python implementation of Protocol Buffers data types with dataclasses support
Go Shopping
A sample suite of services built on the go-micro framework
Encoding/decoding library for Protobuf with schema-versioning and runtime-decoding capabilities.
Protoc Gen Gotag
Add custom struct tags to protobuf generated structs
Centrifuge Go
Go WebSocket client for Centrifugo and Centrifuge library
🐡 An Android & JVM key-value storage powered by Protobuf and Coroutines
Protobuf Nim
Protobuf implementation in pure Nim that leverages the power of the macro system to not depend on any external tools
Flow Pipeline
A set of tools and examples to run a flow-pipeline (sFlow, NetFlow)
Grpcweb Example
An example implementation of a GopherJS client and a Go server using the Improbable gRPC-Web implementation
Sparksql Protobuf
Read SparkSQL parquet file as RDD[Protobuf]
A protobuf source integration for UE4.
EasyRpc is a simple, high-performance, easy-to-use RPC framework based on Netty, ZooKeeper and ProtoStuff.
Powerful, fast and robust engine for converting 3D models into g-code instructions for 3D printers. It is part of the larger open source project Cura.
✭ 1,207
Actix Protobuf
Protobuf integration for actix web
Tool for capture and parse grpc traffic
Grpc Rust
Rust implementation of gRPC
Node Google Play Cli
command line tools using the node-google-play library
Gcs Tools
GCS support for avro-tools, parquet-tools and protobuf
A gRPC cli interface for easy testing against gRPC servers
Protoc Gen Twirp swagger
Swagger generator for twirp
Proto Extractor
Program to extract protobufs compiled for C#
✭ 49
Java implementation of the Tendermint ABCI
Mortgage Processing App using Hyperledger Fabric Blockchain. Uses channels for privacy and access, and restricts read/write previleges through endorsement policies
Ethereum contract ABI to gRPC protobuf IDL transpiler
Lua Protobuf
A Lua module to work with Google protobuf
✭ 1,002
Grpc Contract
A tool to generate the grpc server code for a contract
Command line Time tracking and reporting. Built using Go(programming language) and protocol buffers.
Go support for Google's protocol buffers
Enif protobuf
A Google Protobuf implementation with enif (Erlang nif).
Golang library for parsing protocol buffer (.proto) files
Tensorflow Java Client
Example of Java/Scala grpc client for tensorflow_serving (
61-120 of 362 protobuf projects