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Top 153 remote-sensing open source projects

Global shoreline mapping tool from satellite imagery
Change Detection Review
A review of change detection methods, including codes and open data sets for deep learning. From paper: change detection based on artificial intelligence: state-of-the-art and challenges.
An R package 📦 making it easy to query, preview, download and preprocess multiple kinds of spatial data 🛰 via R. All beta.
Instancesegmentation sentinel2
🌱 Deep Learning for Instance Segmentation of Agricultural Fields - Master thesis
Miami InSAR time-series software in Python
Python Geospatial
A collection of Python packages for geospatial analysis with binder-ready notebook examples
Whitebox Python
WhiteboxTools Python Frontend
Awesome Geospatial Companies
🌐 List of 500+ geospatial companies (GIS, Earth Observation, UAV, Satellite, Digital Farming, ..)
Landsat Download
Automated download of LANDSAT data from USGS website
Awesome Satellite Imagery Datasets
🛰️ List of satellite image training datasets with annotations for computer vision and deep learning
Geetools Code Editor
A set of tools to use in Google Earth Engine Code Editor (JavaScript)
Angular5 Iot Dashboard
Multipurpose dashboard admin for IoT softwares, remote control, user interface. Develop your client dashboards in Angular 5 with vast variety of components available.
A Python interface to the 6S Radiative Transfer Model
An "R" package for automatic download and preprocessing of MODIS Land Products Time Series
official implementation of the spatial-temporal attention neural network (STANet) for remote sensing image change detection
A Python tool for estimating velocity and time-series from Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) data.
Classification Of Hyperspectral Image
Classification of the Hyperspectral Image Indian Pines with Convolutional Neural Network
A Python package for delineating nested surface depressions from digital elevation data.
LiCSBAS: InSAR time series analysis package using LiCSAR products
Marta Gan
MARTA GANs: Unsupervised Representation Learning for Remote Sensing Image Classification
Peps download
Tool to download Sentinel images from PEPS sentinel mirror site :
Pycrop Yield Prediction
A PyTorch Implementation of Jiaxuan You's Deep Gaussian Process for Crop Yield Prediction
Digital Elevation Model
To transform, project, visualize, and read Digital Elevation Models (ASTERGDEMv2.0 and EUDEMv1.1). [简单实用] 数字高程模型的变换、投影、可视化和读取。
Ee Runner
Command-line runner for Google Earth Engine Playground scripts
Spectral-Spatial Unified Networks for Hyperspectral Image Classification
Official implementation for DMNet: Density map guided object detection in aerial image (CVPR 2020 EarthVision workshop)
FPGA: Fast Patch-Free Global Learning Framework for Fully End-to-End Hyperspectral Image Classification (TGRS 2020)
python Toolbox for the Evaluation of Soil Moisture Observations
A Python package for interactive mapping with Google Earth Engine, ipyleaflet, and folium
generate masks from Landsat and MODIS land product QA band
R package: A state-of-the-art Vegetation Phenology extraction package, phenofit
Python&GAMMA based interfermetry toolbox for single or time-series of InSAR data processing.
Wetland Hydro Gee
Mapping wetland hydrological dynamics using Google Earth Engine (GEE)
Earthengine Py Notebooks
A collection of 360+ Jupyter Python notebook examples for using Google Earth Engine with interactive mapping
Search and download Copernicus Sentinel satellite images
R2cnn faster Rcnn tensorflow
Rotational region detection based on Faster-RCNN.
Qgis Earthengine Examples
A collection of 300+ Python examples for using Google Earth Engine in QGIS
Awesome Remote Sensing Change Detection
List of datasets, codes, and contests related to remote sensing change detection
Deep networks for Earth Observation
Label Maker
Data Preparation for Satellite Machine Learning
Whitebox Tools
An advanced geospatial data analysis platform
interactive notebooks from Planet Engineering
Dota Doai
This repo is the codebase for our team to participate in DOTA related competitions, including rotation and horizontal detection.
Custom Scripts
A repository of custom scripts to be used with Sentinel Hub
Awesome Gee
A curated list of Google Earth Engine resources
Python module for hyperspectral image processing
Datacube Core
Open Data Cube analyses continental scale Earth Observation data through time
framework for large-scale SAR satellite data processing
Deeplabv3 Tensorflow
Github mirror of
🔥TorchSat 🌏 is an open-source deep learning framework for satellite imagery analysis based on PyTorch.
ecmwf models
Python package for downloading ECMWF reanalysis data and converting it into a time series format.
🔍 🌐Query and Order Landsat Surface Reflectance data via ESPA
1-60 of 153 remote-sensing projects