Http Fake BackendBuild a fake backend by providing the content of JSON files or JavaScript objects through configurable routes.
SurenessA simple and efficient open-source security framework that focus on protection of restful api.
Clevergo👅 CleverGo is a lightweight, feature rich and high performance HTTP router for Go.
RestairlineDDD+CQRS+EventSourcing+Hypermedia API+ASP.NET Core 3.1+Masstransit+terraform+docker+k8s
Sinn Serveran node server for sinn,that based on of nodejs,koa2,mongoose,docker,nginx,es6/7,Resful API,阿里云
Canner⚡️[NOT MAINTAINED] Content Management Framework creates custom CMS fast and easy. Support data sources such as Firebase/Firestore, GraphQL and Restful APIs.
Digital RestaurantDDD. Event sourcing. CQRS. REST. Modular. Microservices. Kotlin. Spring. Axon platform. Apache Kafka. RabbitMQ
RestitoRestito - mocking framework for testing rest clients
Cloudopt NextA simple and modern Java and Kotlin vert.x web framework
FlightAn extensible micro-framework for PHP
RouteRoute - Fast, flexible routing for PHP, enabling you to quickly and easily build RESTful web applications.
CrudNestJs CRUD for RESTful APIs
Rest CrudRESTFul CRUD Example with Node.js and Mysql
Nodejs Master Class🛠 This repository contains the homework assignment for Node.js Master Class that is focused on building a RESTful API, web app GUI, and a CLI in plain Node JS with no NPM or 3rd-party libraries
Graphql2restGraphQL to REST converter: automatically generate a RESTful API from your existing GraphQL API
ProteusLean, mean, and incredibly fast JVM framework for web and microservice development.
MockinizerAn okhttp / retrofit api call mocking library
EddiScalable Open Source Chatbot Platform. Build multiple Chatbots with NLP, Behavior Rules, API Connector, Templating. Developed in Java, provided with Docker, orchestrated with Kubernetes or Openshift.
Ha DockermonA NodeJS RESTful API which can be used with Home Assistant to report the state of Docker Containers
Myapp🖥️ How to build a Dockerized RESTful API application using Go.
FinaleCreate flexible REST endpoints and controllers from Sequelize models in your Express app
Usaspending ApiServer application to serve U.S. federal spending data via a RESTful API
HikakuA library that tests if the implementation of a REST-API meets its specification.
CastlemockCastle Mock is a web application that provides the functionality to mock out RESTful APIs and SOAP web services.
FiliEasily make RESTful web services for time series reporting with Big Data analytics engines like Druid and SQL Databases.
AppkernelAPI development made easy: a smart Python 3 API framework
Swagger meqaAuto generate and run tests using swagger/OpenAPI spec, no coding needed
Magic Apimagic-api 是一个接口快速开发框架,通过Web页面编写脚本以及配置,自动映射为HTTP接口,无需定义Controller、Service、Dao、Mapper、XML、VO等Java对象
BricksA standard library for microservices.
Ssm Cluster🍏Spring+SpringMVC+Mybatis+adminLTE3实现前后端分离(nginx负载均衡+tomcat集群)