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Top 12 retinaface open source projects
🛠 A lite C++ toolkit of awesome AI models with ONNXRuntime, NCNN, MNN and TNN. YOLOX, YOLOP, MODNet, YOLOR, NanoDet, YOLOX, SCRFD, YOLOX . MNN, NCNN, TNN, ONNXRuntime, CPU/GPU.
onnx tensorrt project
Support Yolov5(4.0)/Yolov5(5.0)/YoloR/YoloX/Yolov4/Yolov3/CenterNet/CenterFace/RetinaFace/Classify/Unet. use darknet/libtorch/pytorch/mxnet to onnx to tensorrt
🌌 OpenVTuber-虚拟アイドル共享计划 An application of real-time face and gaze analyzation via deep nerual networks.
Large input size REAL-TIME Face Detector on Cpp. It can also support face verification using MobileFaceNet+Arcface with real-time inference. 480P Over 30FPS on CPU
arcface retinaface mxnet2onnx
arcface and retinaface model convert mxnet to onnx.
implementation of insightface by using Tensorflow
1-12 of 12 retinaface projects